Joshua 9:22-24
Wycliffe Bible
22 Joshua called (for the) Gibeonites, and said to them, Why would ye deceive us by fraud, (so) that ye said, We dwell full far from you, since ye be in the midst of us? (We live far away from you, when truly ye live right here in the midst of us?)
23 Therefore ye shall be under cursing, and none shall fail of your generation, hewing trees and bearing waters, into the house of my God. (And so because ye did this, ye shall all be cursed, and none of your generation shall ever be free, from cutting wood and carrying water, for the House of my God/for God’s household, or his family.)
24 Which answered, It was told to us thy servants, that thy Lord God promised to Moses, his servant, that he should betake to you all the land, and should lose all the dwellers thereof; therefore we dreaded greatly, and purveyed to our lives, and we were compelled by your dread, and we took this counsel. (And they answered, It was told to us thy servants, that the Lord thy God promised to his servant Moses, that he would deliver all the land to you, and would destroy all of its inhabitants; and so we greatly feared, and purveyed for our own lives, and we were compelled by our fear of you, and so we did this thing.)
Read full chapter2001 by Terence P. Noble