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Joshua 5:7-9
Evangelical Heritage Version
Joshua 5:7-9
Evangelical Heritage Version
7 So it was their sons, whom the Lord had raised up in their place, whom Joshua circumcised. They were still uncircumcised, since the people had not circumcised them during the journey.
8 When the whole nation had been circumcised, they stayed at their places in the camp until they recuperated.
9 Then the Lord said to Joshua, “Today I have rolled away the disgrace of Egypt from you.” So the name of that place is Gilgal[a] to this day.
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- Joshua 5:9 Gilgal sounds like the Hebrew for roll away.
Evangelical Heritage Version (EHV)
The Holy Bible, Evangelical Heritage Version®, EHV®, © 2019 Wartburg Project, Inc. All rights reserved.