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From Janoah it turned southward to Ataroth and Naarah, touched Jericho, and ended at the Jordan River.

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28 The descendants of Ephraim lived in the territory that included Bethel and its surrounding towns to the south, Naaran to the east, Gezer and its villages to the west, and Shechem and its surrounding villages to the north as far as Ayyah and its towns.

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26 At that time Joshua invoked this curse:

“May the curse of the Lord fall on anyone
    who tries to rebuild the town of Jericho.
At the cost of his firstborn son,
    he will lay its foundation.
At the cost of his youngest son,
    he will set up its gates.”

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The Fall of Jericho

Now the gates of Jericho were tightly shut because the people were afraid of the Israelites. No one was allowed to go out or in.

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16 the water above that point began backing up a great distance away at a town called Adam, which is near Zarethan. And the water below that point flowed on to the Dead Sea[a] until the riverbed was dry. Then all the people crossed over near the town of Jericho.

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  1. 3:16 Hebrew the sea of the Arabah, the Salt Sea.

48 They left the mountains east of the river and camped on the plains of Moab beside the Jordan River, across from Jericho.

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