Joel 3:2-4
EasyEnglish Bible
2 Then I will bring all the nations together.
I will bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat.[a]
There I will judge against them
because of what they did to my children, my people Israel.
Those nations pushed my people out into other countries.
They broke up my land and each took pieces.
3 They played games to win my people.
They gave boys to buy women to have sex with them.
They sold girls so that they could get wine to drink.
4 You people in Tyre, Sidon, and of all the land of the people called Philistines, listen. You cannot say that I have done anything wrong. You want to punish me. If you do this, I will soon do the same to you.
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- 3:2 The Valley of Jehoshaphat means a place where God judged people.
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