“Will the (A)wild ox be willing to serve you?
Will he bed by your manger?

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22 (A)God brings them out of Egypt;
He has (B)strength like a wild ox.

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17 His glory is like a (A)firstborn bull,
And his horns like the (B)horns of the wild ox;
Together with them
(C)He shall push the peoples
To the ends of the earth;
(D)They are the ten thousands of Ephraim,
And they are the thousands of Manasseh.”

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10 But (A)my [a]horn You have exalted like a wild ox;
I have been (B)anointed with fresh oil.

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  1. Psalm 92:10 Strength

(A)The ox knows its owner
And the donkey its master’s [a]crib;
But Israel (B)does not know,
My people do not [b]consider.”

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  1. Isaiah 1:3 manger or feed trough
  2. Isaiah 1:3 understand

21 (A)Save Me from the lion’s mouth
And from the horns of the wild oxen!

(B)You have answered Me.

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