Job 36:27-37:13
Christian Standard Bible
27 For he makes waterdrops evaporate;[a]
they distill the rain into its[b] mist,(A)
28 which the clouds pour out
and shower abundantly on mankind.
29 Can anyone understand how the clouds spread out
or how the thunder roars from God’s pavilion?(B)
30 See how he spreads his lightning(C) around him
and covers the depths of the sea.
31 For he judges the nations with these;
he gives food in abundance.(D)
32 He covers his hands with lightning
and commands it to hit its mark.
33 The[c] thunder declares his presence;[d]
the cattle also, the approaching storm.
37 My heart(E) pounds at this
and leaps from my chest.[e]
2 Just listen to his thunderous voice
and the rumbling that comes from his mouth.
3 He lets it loose beneath the entire sky;
his lightning to the ends(F) of the earth.
4 Then there comes a roaring sound;
God thunders(G) with his majestic voice.
He does not restrain the lightning
when his rumbling voice is heard.
5 God thunders wondrously with his voice;
he does great things that we cannot comprehend.
6 For he says to the snow,(H) “Fall to the earth,”
and the torrential rains, his mighty torrential rains,
7 serve as his sign to all mankind,
so that all men may know his work.
8 The wild animals enter their lairs
and stay in their dens.(I)
9 The windstorm comes from its chamber,
and the cold from the driving north winds.
10 Ice is formed by the breath of God,(J)
and watery expanses are frozen.
11 He saturates clouds with moisture;(K)
he scatters his lightning through them.
12 They swirl about,
turning round and round at his direction,
accomplishing everything he commands them
over the surface of the inhabited world.
13 He causes this to happen for punishment,
for his land, or for his faithful love.
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