Look up at the heavens(A) and see;
    gaze at the clouds so high above you.(B)

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12 “Is not God in the heights of heaven?(A)
    And see how lofty are the highest stars!

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The Lord is slow to anger(A) but great in power;
    the Lord will not leave the guilty unpunished.(B)
His way is in the whirlwind(C) and the storm,(D)
    and clouds(E) are the dust of his feet.

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“As the heavens are higher than the earth,(A)
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts.(B)

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22 He sits enthroned(A) above the circle of the earth,
    and its people are like grasshoppers.(B)
He stretches out the heavens(C) like a canopy,(D)
    and spreads them out like a tent(E) to live in.(F)
23 He brings princes(G) to naught
    and reduces the rulers of this world to nothing.(H)

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When I consider your heavens,(A)
    the work of your fingers,(B)
the moon and the stars,(C)
    which you have set in place,
what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
    human beings that you care for them?[a](D)

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  1. Psalm 8:4 Or what is a human being that you are mindful of him, / a son of man that you care for him?

22 Out of the north he comes in golden splendor;(A)
    God comes in awesome majesty.(B)
23 The Almighty is beyond our reach and exalted in power;(C)
    in his justice(D) and great righteousness, he does not oppress.(E)

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16 Do you know how the clouds hang poised,(A)
    those wonders of him who has perfect knowledge?(B)

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26 How great is God—beyond our understanding!(A)
    The number of his years is past finding out.(B)

27 “He draws up the drops of water,(C)
    which distill as rain to the streams[a];(D)
28 the clouds pour down their moisture
    and abundant showers(E) fall on mankind.(F)
29 Who can understand how he spreads out the clouds,
    how he thunders(G) from his pavilion?(H)
30 See how he scatters his lightning(I) about him,
    bathing the depths of the sea.(J)
31 This is the way he governs[b] the nations(K)
    and provides food(L) in abundance.(M)
32 He fills his hands with lightning
    and commands it to strike its mark.(N)
33 His thunder announces the coming storm;(O)
    even the cattle make known its approach.[c](P)

37 “At this my heart pounds(Q)
    and leaps from its place.
Listen!(R) Listen to the roar of his voice,(S)
    to the rumbling that comes from his mouth.(T)
He unleashes his lightning(U) beneath the whole heaven
    and sends it to the ends of the earth.(V)
After that comes the sound of his roar;
    he thunders(W) with his majestic voice.(X)
When his voice resounds,
    he holds nothing back.
God’s voice thunders(Y) in marvelous ways;(Z)
    he does great things beyond our understanding.(AA)


  1. Job 36:27 Or distill from the mist as rain
  2. Job 36:31 Or nourishes
  3. Job 36:33 Or announces his coming— / the One zealous against evil

If even the moon(A) is not bright
    and the stars are not pure in his eyes,(B)
how much less a mortal, who is but a maggot—
    a human being,(C) who is only a worm!”(D)

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27 “But will God really dwell(A) on earth? The heavens, even the highest heaven,(B) cannot contain(C) you. How much less this temple I have built!

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He took him outside and said, “Look up at the sky and count the stars(A)—if indeed you can count them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring[a] be.”(B)

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  1. Genesis 15:5 Or seed

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