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21 For his eyes are upon the ways of a man,
And he seeth all his goings.

22 There is no darkness, nor thick gloom,
Where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves.
23 For he needeth not further to consider a man,
That he should go before God in judgment.
24 He breaketh in pieces mighty men [a]in ways past finding out,
And setteth others in their stead.
25 Therefore he taketh knowledge of their works;
And he overturneth them in the night, so that they are [b]destroyed.
26 He striketh them as wicked men
[c]In the open sight of others;
27 Because they turned aside from following him,
And would not have regard in any of his ways:
28 [d]So that they caused the cry of the poor to come unto him,
And he heard the cry of the afflicted.
29 When he giveth quietness, who then can condemn?
And when he hideth his face, who then can behold him?
Alike whether it be done unto a nation, or unto a man:
30 That the godless man reign not,
That there be none to ensnare the people.

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  1. Job 34:24 Or, without inquisition
  2. Job 34:25 Hebrew crushed.
  3. Job 34:26 Hebrew In the place of beholders.
  4. Job 34:28 Or, That they might cause . . . And that he might hear