Elihu in Anger Rebukes Job

32 Then these three men ceased answering Job, because he was (A)righteous in his own eyes. But the anger of Elihu the son of Barachel the (B)Buzite, of the family of Ram burned; against Job his anger burned (C)because he justified himself [a](D)before God. And his anger burned against his three friends because they had found no answer, and yet had condemned Job. Now Elihu had waited [b]to speak to Job because they were years older than he. And when Elihu saw that there was no answer in the mouth of the three men his anger burned.

So Elihu the son of Barachel the Buzite [c]spoke out and said,

“I am young in years and you are (E)old;
Therefore I was shy and afraid to tell you [d]what I think.
“I [e]thought [f](F)age should speak,
And [g]increased years should teach wisdom.
“But it is a spirit in man,
And the (G)breath of the Almighty gives them (H)understanding.
“The [h]abundant in years may not be wise,
Nor may (I)elders understand justice.
10 “So I [i]say, ‘Listen to me,
I too will tell [j]what I think.’

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  1. Job 32:2 Or more than
  2. Job 32:4 Lit for Job with words; or possibly while they were speaking with Job
  3. Job 32:6 Lit answered
  4. Job 32:6 Lit my knowledge
  5. Job 32:7 Lit said
  6. Job 32:7 Lit days
  7. Job 32:7 Lit many
  8. Job 32:9 Or nobles
  9. Job 32:10 Or said
  10. Job 32:10 Lit my knowledge

“Behold now, I open my mouth,
My tongue in my [a]mouth speaks.
“My words are from the uprightness of my heart,
And my lips speak (A)knowledge sincerely.
“The (B)Spirit of God has made me,
And the (C)breath of [b]the Almighty gives me life.

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  1. Job 33:2 Lit palate
  2. Job 33:4 Heb Shaddai

22 “Then (A)his soul draws near to the pit,
And his life to those who bring death.

23 “If there is an angel as (B)mediator for him,
One out of a thousand,
To remind a man what is [a]right for him,
24 Then let him be gracious to him, and say,
‘Deliver him from (C)going down to the pit,
I have found a (D)ransom’;
25 Let his flesh become fresher than in youth,
Let him return to the days of his youthful vigor;
26 Then he will (E)pray to God, and He will accept him,
That (F)he may see His face with joy,
And He may restore His righteousness to man.
27 “He will sing to men and say,
‘I (G)have sinned and perverted what is right,
And it is not (H)proper for me.
28 ‘He has redeemed my soul from going to the pit,
And my life shall (I)see the light.’

29 “Behold, God does (J)all these [b]oftentimes with men,
30 To (K)bring back his soul from the pit,
That he may be enlightened with the light of life.

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  1. Job 33:23 Lit his uprightness
  2. Job 33:29 Lit twice, three times

“Because of the (A)multitude of oppressions they cry out;
They cry for help because of the arm (B)of the mighty.
10 “But (C)no one says, ‘Where is God my Maker,
Who (D)gives songs in the night,

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14 “Listen to this, O Job,
Stand and consider the wonders of God.
15 “Do you know how God establishes them,
And makes the [a]lightning of His cloud to shine?
16 “Do you know about the layers of the thick clouds,
The (A)wonders of one (B)perfect in knowledge,
17 You whose garments are hot,
When the land is still because of the south wind?
18 “Can you, with Him, (C)spread out the skies,
Strong as a molten mirror?
19 “Teach us what we shall say to Him;
We (D)cannot arrange our case because of darkness.
20 “Shall it be told Him that I would speak?
[b]Or should a man say that he would be swallowed up?

21 “Now [c]men do not see the light which is bright in the skies;
But the wind has passed and cleared them.
22 “Out of the north comes golden splendor;
Around God is awesome majesty.
23 “The Almighty—(E)we cannot find Him;
He is (F)exalted in power
And (G)He will not do violence (H)to justice and abundant righteousness.
24 “Therefore men (I)fear Him;
He does not (J)regard any who are wise of heart.”

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  1. Job 37:15 Lit light
  2. Job 37:20 Or If a man speak, surely he shall be swallowed up
  3. Job 37:21 Lit they