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The Shame of the Present

30 But those far younger than I am now laugh at me—
men whose fathers I would not have allowed
    to serve with my sheepdogs.
The strength of their hands was useless to me.[a]
Their vigor had failed.
Emaciated from famine and hunger,
they gnawed desert plants in the desolate wasteland.
They picked marsh plants among the brush,
and their food was the roots of broom bushes.
They were driven out of the community.
People shouted at them like thieves.
They lived in dry streambeds,
in holes among the dust and the rocks.
They brayed between shrubs,
and they huddled under thorn bushes.
Sons of fools and nameless nobodies,
they were driven out of the land with whips.

But now I am the target of their mocking songs,
and my name has become proverbial as a term of scorn.
10 They despise me and keep their distance.
They do not hesitate to spit in my face.

11 God has unhooked my bowstring,[b]
and he has afflicted me,
so they throw off all restraint in my presence.
12 At my right hand this rabble rises up like a mob.
They trip my feet.
They besiege me with their plans to destroy me.
13 They cut off my path to escape.
They try to benefit from my destruction.
They need no one to help them.
14 They pour through the breach in my wall.
They roll in through the ruins.
15 Terrors are unleashed against me.
My prestige is blown away by the wind.
My security has passed by like a cloud.

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  1. Job 30:2 The pronouns their and they in verses 2 to 7 may refer either to the men in verse 1, to their fathers, or to both. The tenses, therefore, could be either past or present.
  2. Job 30:11 Or tent cord