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Job 25
Expanded Bible
Job 25
Expanded Bible
Bildad Answers
25 Then Bildad the Shuhite answered:
2 “·God rules and he must be honored [L Rule/Dominion and dread are with him];
he ·set up order [establishes peace] in his high heaven.
3 ·No one can count God’s armies [L Is there a number to his troops?].
·His light shines on all people [L Upon whom does his light not rise?].
4 ·So no one can be good [What mortal can be righteous…?] in the presence of God,
and ·no one [who…?] born to a woman can be pure.
5 Even the moon is not bright
and the stars are not pure in his eyes.
6 People are much less! They are like ·insects [L maggots].
They are only worms!”
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