then know that God has wronged me(A)
    and drawn his net(B) around me.(C)

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His feet thrust him into a net;(A)
    he wanders into its mesh.
A trap seizes him by the heel;
    a snare(B) holds him fast.(C)
10 A noose(D) is hidden for him on the ground;
    a trap(E) lies in his path.(F)

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12 When they go, I will throw my net(A) over them;
    I will pull them down like the birds in the sky.
When I hear them flocking together,
    I will catch them.

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“‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says:

“‘With a great throng of people
    I will cast my net over you,
    and they will haul you up in my net.(A)

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13 I will spread my net(A) for him, and he will be caught in my snare;(B) I will bring him to Babylonia, the land of the Chaldeans,(C) but he will not see(D) it, and there he will die.(E)

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12 “Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by?(A)
    Look around and see.
Is any suffering like my suffering(B)
    that was inflicted on me,
that the Lord brought on me
    in the day of his fierce anger?(C)

13 “From on high he sent fire,
    sent it down into my bones.(D)
He spread a net(E) for my feet
    and turned me back.
He made me desolate,(F)
    faint(G) all the day long.

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10 For you, God, tested(A) us;
    you refined us like silver.(B)
11 You brought us into prison(C)
    and laid burdens(D) on our backs.
12 You let people ride over our heads;(E)
    we went through fire and water,
    but you brought us to a place of abundance.(F)

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But now you have rejected(A) and humbled us;(B)
    you no longer go out with our armies.(C)
10 You made us retreat(D) before the enemy,
    and our adversaries have plundered(E) us.
11 You gave us up to be devoured like sheep(F)
    and have scattered us among the nations.(G)
12 You sold your people for a pittance,(H)
    gaining nothing from their sale.

13 You have made us a reproach(I) to our neighbors,(J)
    the scorn(K) and derision(L) of those around us.
14 You have made us a byword(M) among the nations;
    the peoples shake their heads(N) at us.

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“As surely as God lives, who has denied me justice,(A)
    the Almighty,(B) who has made my life bitter,(C)

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11 God has turned me over to the ungodly
    and thrown me into the clutches of the wicked.(A)
12 All was well with me, but he shattered me;
    he seized me by the neck and crushed me.(B)
He has made me his target;(C)
13     his archers surround me.(D)
Without pity, he pierces(E) my kidneys
    and spills my gall on the ground.
14 Again and again(F) he bursts upon me;
    he rushes at me like a warrior.(G)

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20 If I have sinned, what have I done to you,(A)
    you who see everything we do?
Why have you made me your target?(B)
    Have I become a burden to you?[a](C)

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  1. Job 7:20 A few manuscripts of the Masoretic Text, an ancient Hebrew scribal tradition and Septuagint; most manuscripts of the Masoretic Text I have become a burden to myself.

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