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“Lay down a pledge for me with yourself;
    who is there who will give surety for me?(A)

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22 accordingly Jesus has also become the guarantor of a better covenant.(A)

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14 Like a swallow or a crane[a] I clamor;
    I moan like a dove.
My eyes are weary with looking upward.
    O Lord, I am oppressed; be my security!(A)

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  1. 38.14 Meaning of Heb uncertain

15 To guarantee loans for a stranger brings trouble,
    but there is safety in refusing to do so.

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122 Guarantee your servant’s well-being;
    do not let the godless oppress me.(A)

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32 For your servant became surety for the boy to my father, saying, ‘If I do not bring him back to you, then I will bear the blame in the sight of my father all my life.’(A)

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I myself will be surety for him; you can hold me accountable for him. If I do not bring him back to you and set him before you, then let me bear the blame forever.(A)

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33 There is no mediator[a] between us,
    who might lay his hand on us both.(A)

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  1. 9.33 Another reading is Would that there were a mediator

26 Do not be one of those who give pledges,
    who become surety for debts.(A)

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16 Take the garment of one who has given surety for a stranger;
    seize the pledge given as surety for foreigners.

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18 It is senseless to give a pledge,
    to become surety for a neighbor.(A)

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11 and poverty will come upon you like a robber,
    and want, like an armed warrior.(A)

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