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17 “Job, listen to me, and I will tell you about it.
    I will tell you what I have seen.
18 These are things wise men have told.
    Their ancestors told them these things, and they have hidden nothing.
19 (The land was given to their fathers only.
    No foreigner lived among them.)
20 The evil man suffers pain all his life.
    The cruel man suffers during all the years saved up for him.
21 Terrible sounds fill his ears.
    When things seem to be going well, robbers attack him.
22 The evil person gives up trying to escape from the darkness.
    It has been decided that he will die by the sword.
23 He wanders around. He will become food for vultures.
    He knows death will soon come.
24 Worry and suffering terrify him.
    They overwhelm him. They seem like a king ready to attack.
25 This is because he shakes his fist at God.
    He tries to get his own way against God All-Powerful.
26 He stubbornly charges at God
    with a thick, strong shield.

27 “The evil person’s face is covered with fat.
    His waist is fat with flesh.
28 He will live in towns that are ruined.
    He will live in houses where no one lives.
    They are houses that are crumbling into ruins.
29 The evil person will no longer get rich.
    And the riches he has will not last.
    The things he owns will no longer spread over the land.
30 He will not escape the darkness.
    A flame will dry up his branches.
    God’s breath will carry that evil person away.
31 The evil person should not fool himself by trusting what is useless.
    If he does, he will get nothing in return.
32 His branch will dry up before it finishes growing.
    It will not even become green.
33 He will be like a vine whose grapes are pulled off before they are ripe.
    He will be like an olive tree that loses its blossoms.
34 People without God can produce nothing.
    Fire will destroy the tents of people who take money to do evil.
35 They plan trouble and give birth to evil.
    Their hearts plan ways to trick people.”

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