Job 11-13
Easy-to-Read Version
Zophar Speaks to Job
11 Then Zophar from Naamah answered Job and said,
2 “This flood of words should be answered!
Does all this talking make Job right?
3 Do you think we don’t have
an answer for you?
Do you think no one will warn you
when you laugh at God?
4 You say to God,
‘My arguments are right,
and you can see I am pure.’
5 I wish God would answer you
and tell you that you are wrong.
6 He could tell you the secret of wisdom.
He would tell you that every story has two sides.
You can be sure of this:
God is not punishing you as much as he should.
7 “Do you think you really understand God?
Do you completely understand God All-Powerful?
8 That knowledge is higher than the heavens
and deeper than the place of death.
So what can you do?
How can you learn it all?
9 It is greater than the earth
and bigger than the seas.
10 “If God decides to arrest you and take you to court,
no one could stop him.
11 God knows who is worthless.
When he sees evil, he remembers it.
12 A wild donkey cannot give birth to a man,
and a stupid person will never become wise.
13 Prepare your heart to serve only God.
Lift your arms and pray to him.
14 Put away the sin that you still hold on to.
Don’t keep evil in your tent.
15 If you will do that, you could look to God without shame.
You can stand strong and not be afraid.
16 Then you can forget your troubles,
like water that has already passed by.
17 Your life will be brighter than the sunshine at noon.
Life’s darkest hours will shine like the morning sun.
18 You will feel safe because there is hope.
God will protect you and give you rest.
19 You will lie down without fear of anyone.
Many people will come to you for help.
20 Evil people might look for help,
but they will not escape their troubles.
Their hope leads only to death.”
Job Answers His Friends
12 Then Job answered them:
2 “I’m sure you think you are
the only wise people left.
You think that when you die,
wisdom will be gone with you.
3 But my mind is as good as yours.
You aren’t any smarter than I am.
You haven’t said anything
that people don’t already know.
4 “My friends laugh at me now.
They say, ‘He prayed to God and got his answer.’
I am a good, innocent man,
but still they laugh at me.
5 Those who have no troubles make fun of those who do.
They hit a man when he is down.
6 But robbers’ tents are not bothered.
Those who make God angry live in peace,
even though God has them in his power.
7 “But ask the animals, and they will teach you.
Or ask the birds of the air, and they will tell you.
8 Or speak to the earth, and it will teach you.
Or let the fish in the sea tell you their wisdom.
9 Everyone knows
that the Lord made these things.
10 Every animal that lives and everyone who breathes—
they are all under God’s power.
11 But just as the tongue tastes food,
the ears test the words they hear.
12 People say, ‘Wisdom is to be found in those who are old.
Long life brings understanding.’
13 But wisdom and power belong to God.
Good advice and understanding are his.
14 Anything God tears down cannot be rebuilt.
Anyone he puts in prison cannot be set free.
15 If he holds back the rain, the earth will dry up.
If he lets the rain loose, it will flood the land.
16 God is strong and always wins.
He controls those who fool others and those who are fooled.
17 He strips advisors of their wisdom
and makes leaders act like fools.
18 He strips kings of their authority
and makes them slaves.
19 He strips priests of their power
and removes those who feel so secure in their position.
20 He makes trusted advisors be silent.
He takes away the wisdom of the older leaders.
21 He brings disgrace to important people.
He takes power away from rulers.
22 He exposes even the darkest secrets.
He sends light into places that are as dark as death.
23 God makes nations great,
and then he destroys them.
He makes nations grow large,
and then he scatters their people.
24 He makes their leaders foolish.
He makes them wander around in the desert.
25 They are like someone feeling their way in the dark.
They are like drunks who don’t know where they are going.
13 “I have seen all this before.
I have already heard everything you say.
I understand all these things.
2 I know as much as you do.
I am as smart as you are.
3 But I don’t want to argue with you.
I want to speak to God All-Powerful.
I want to argue with God about my troubles.
4 But you men try to cover up your ignorance with lies.
You are like worthless doctors who cannot heal anyone.
5 I wish you would just be quiet.
That would be the wisest thing you could do.
6 “Now, listen to my argument.
Listen to what I have to say.
7 Will you speak lies for God?
Do you really believe your lies are what God wants you to say?
8 Are you trying to defend God against me?
You are not being fair.
You are choosing God’s side simply because he is God.
9 If God checked you very closely,
would he see that you are right?
Do you really think you can fool God
the same as you fool people?
10 You know that God would criticize you
if you chose someone’s side simply because they were important.
11 God’s majesty frightens you.
You are afraid of him.
12 The wise sayings you quote are worthless.
Your arguments are as weak as clay.
13 “Be quiet and let me talk!
I accept whatever happens to me.
14 I will put myself in danger
and take my life in my own hands.
15 I will continue to trust God even if he kills me.[a]
But I will defend myself to his face.
16 And if he lets me live, it will be because I had the confidence to speak.
No guilty person would dare meet God face to face.
17 Listen carefully to what I say.
Let me explain.
18 I am ready now to defend myself.
I will carefully present my arguments.
I know I will be shown to be right.
19 If anyone can prove I am wrong,
I will shut up and wait to die.
20 “God, just give me two things,
and then I will not hide from you:
21 Stop punishing me,
and don’t frighten me with your terrors.
22 Then call to me, and I will answer you.
Or let me speak, and you answer me.
23 How many sins have I committed?
What wrongs have I done?
Show me where I went wrong or how I sinned.
24 God, why do you avoid me
and treat me like your enemy?
25 Are you trying to scare me?
I am only a leaf blowing in the wind.
You are attacking a piece of straw!
26 You have a list of terrible charges against me.
Are you making me suffer for the sins I did when I was young?
27 You have put chains on my feet.
You watch every step I take.
You see every move I make.
28 So I am becoming weaker and weaker,
like a piece of wood rotting away,
like a piece of cloth eaten by moths.
- Job 13:15 I will … kills me Or “If he decides to kill me, I have no hope.”
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