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For you say, ‘My conduct[a] is pure,
    and I am clean in God’s[b] sight.’(A)

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  1. 11.4 Gk: Heb teaching
  2. 11.4 Heb your

although you know that I am not guilty,
    and there is no one to deliver out of your hand?(A)

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10 This would be my consolation;
    I would even exult[a] in unrelenting pain,
    for I have not denied the words of the Holy One.(A)

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  1. 6.10 Meaning of Heb uncertain

15 but in your hearts sanctify Christ as Lord. Always be ready to make your defense to anyone who demands from you an accounting for the hope that is in you,(A)

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“Do you think this to be just?
    You say, ‘I am in the right before God.’(A)

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For Job has said, ‘I am innocent,
    and God has taken away my right;
in spite of being right I am counted a liar;
    my wound is incurable, though I am without transgression.’(A)

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Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean?
    No one can.(A)

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“Indeed, I know that this is so,
    but how can a mortal be just before God?(A)
If one wished to contend with him,
    one could not answer him once in a thousand.(B)

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20 If I sin, what do I do to you, you watcher of humanity?
    Why have you made me your target?
    Why have I become a burden to you?(A)

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29 Turn, I pray; let no wrong be done.
    Turn now; my vindication is at stake.
30 Is there any wrong on my tongue?
    Cannot my taste discern calamity?(A)

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