Jeremiah 8:14-17
Christian Standard Bible
God’s People Unrepentant
14 Why are we just sitting here?
Gather together; let’s enter the fortified cities
and perish there,[a]
for the Lord our God has destroyed[b] us.
He has given us poisoned water to drink,(A)
because we have sinned against the Lord.(B)
15 We hoped for peace, but there was nothing good;
for a time of healing, but there was only terror.(C)
16 From Dan, the snorting of horses is heard.
At the sound of the neighing of mighty steeds,(D)
the whole land quakes.
They come to devour the land and everything in it,
the city and all its residents.
17 Indeed, I am about to send snakes among you,
poisonous vipers(E) that cannot be charmed.(F)
They will bite you.
This is the Lord’s declaration.
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