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18     (to the people) You chose this path that led to disaster.
        Your plans and actions brought it on.
    It is your wickedness that tastes so bitter,
        your evil that pierces your heart.

19 I’ve got this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach. I’m in agony.
    Every beat of my heart pounds with an awful dread.
I can’t stay silent, for I know what is coming
    oh my soul, there it is: the blast of the trumpet;
The battle cries of the invading hoards.
20 Crushing defeat after crushing defeat. That’s the news.
    The land is in ruins, all of it.
In an instant, my world changed;
    in a moment, my tents destroyed, my curtains torn, my refuge gone.
21 How long must I see the flags of the enemy?
    How long must I be forced to hear the trumpets sound?

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