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Jeremiah 2:9-12
Christian Standard Bible
Jeremiah 2:9-12
Christian Standard Bible
9 Therefore, I will bring a case against you again.
This is the Lord’s declaration.
I will bring a case against your children’s children.(A)
10 Cross over to the coasts of Cyprus[a](B) and take a look.
Send someone to Kedar(C) and consider carefully;
see if there has ever been anything like this:
11 Has a nation ever exchanged its gods?(D)
(But they were not gods!(E))
Yet my people have exchanged their[b] Glory
for useless idols.(F)
12 Be appalled at this, heavens;(G)
be shocked and utterly desolated!
This is the Lord’s declaration.
Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
The Christian Standard Bible. Copyright © 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian Standard Bible®, and CSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers, all rights reserved.
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