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13 “My people have done two evils:
They have ·turned away from [abandoned; forsaken] me,
    the ·spring [fountain] of living water [17:13].
And they have dug their own ·wells [cisterns],
    which are broken ·wells [cisterns] that cannot hold water [C the idols, like the wells, are useless].
14 Have the people of Israel become slaves?
    Have they become like ·someone who was born a slave [a home-born servant; Ex. 21:4]?
    Why ·were they taken captive [L have they become plunder]?
15 ·Enemies have roared like lions at Israel [L The lions roar against him];
    they have ·growled at Israel [L given forth their voice].
They have ·destroyed [L made a desolation of] the land of Israel.
    The cities of Israel lie in ruins,
    ·and all the people have left [and there are no inhabitants].

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