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“But the person who ·trusts [has confidence] in the Lord will be blessed.
    ·The Lord will show him that he can be trusted [L …whose trust/confidence is in him].
He will be like a tree planted near water [C vital and strong]
    that sends its roots by a stream [Ps. 1:3].
It is not afraid when the ·days are hot [L heat comes];
    its leaves are always green.
It ·does not worry [is not anxious] in a year ·when no rain comes [of drought];
    it always produces fruit.

“·More than anything else [T Above all things], ·a person’s mind is evil [T the heart is deceitful; L the heart is devious/crooked]
    and ·cannot be healed [T desperately wicked; L it is perverse/sick].
    Who can ·understand [know] it?

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