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A woman with seven sons ·felt faint [languishes; C because they would all die].
    She ·became weak and unable to breathe [L swoons].
Her ·bright day became dark from sadness [L sun went down while it was still day].
    She felt ·shame [humiliation] and disgrace.
And ·everyone else left alive in Judah [L the rest of them]
    I will hand over to the sword of their enemies, too!” says the Lord.

Jeremiah’s Second Complaint

10 Mother, ·I am sorry [woe to me] that you gave birth to me
    ·since I must accuse and criticize [L a man of strife and contention to] the whole land.
I have not loaned or borrowed anything,
    but everyone curses me.
11 The Lord said,
    “·I have [L Have I not…?] ·saved [or intervened for] you for a good reason.
·I have made your enemies beg you [or Will I not bring the enemy against you…?]
    in times of ·disaster [harm; evil] and ·trouble [distress].

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