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19 Whether thou casting away hast cast away Judah, either thy soul hath loathed Zion? why therefore hast thou smitten us, so that no health there is? We abided peace, and no good is; and we abided time of healing, and lo! troubling is. (Casting away, hast thou cast away Judah, or hath thy soul loathed Zion? and so why hast thou struck us, so that now there is no health?/so that now there is no deliverance? We waited for peace, but nothing good hath come; and we waited for a time of healing, or of deliverance, but lo! there is only a time of trouble.)

20 Lord, we have known our unfaithfulness, and the wickednesses of our fathers, for we have sinned to thee. (Lord, we acknowledge our unfaithfulness, and the wickednesses of our forefathers, for we all have sinned against thee.)

21 Give thou not us into shame, for thy name, neither do thou despite to us; have thou mind on the seat of thy glory, make thou not void thy bond of peace with us. (Give thou us not unto shame, for the sake of thy name, nor despise thou us; remember thou the throne of thy glory, make thou not void thy covenant with us.)

22 Whether in graven images of heathen men be they that (can make) rain, either heavens may give rains? whether thou art not our Lord God, whom we abided? For thou madest all these things. (Can any of the carved idols of the heathen make rain, or can the heavens give out rain by themselves? art thou not the Lord our God, whom we have waited for? For thou madest all these things.)

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