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False Gods and the True God

10 Hear the word that the Lord is speaking to you, house of Israel.

This is what the Lord says.

Do not learn the ways of the nations,
or be frightened by signs in the heavens,
although the nations are frightened by them.
The rituals of the peoples are worthless.
They cut down a tree in the forest.
Then the hands of a craftsman work it with an ax.
They decorate it with silver and gold,
but they have to nail it down with hammers,
    so that it will not tip over.
Their idols are like a scarecrow in a melon[a] patch.
They cannot speak.
They must be carried because they cannot walk.
Do not fear them. They can do no harm,
nor can they do any good.

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  1. Jeremiah 10:5 Or cucumber