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17 But you, you must gird your loins, and stand, and speak to them all that I command you. Do not be afraid of them,[a] or I will shatter you before[b] them. 18 Now look, I have made you today[c] as a fortified city and as an iron pillar and a bronze wall[d] against all the land, against the kings of Judah, against its princes, against its priests, and against the people of the land. 19 And they will fight against you but they will not prevail against you, for I am with you,” declares[e] Yahweh, “to deliver you.”

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  1. Jeremiah 1:17 Literally “You must not be filled with terror from the faces of them”
  2. Jeremiah 1:17 Literally “to the faces of”
  3. Jeremiah 1:18 Literally “the day”
  4. Jeremiah 1:18 Hebrew “walls”
  5. Jeremiah 1:19 Literally “a declaration of”