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30 Thus says the Lord, I am going to give Pharaoh Hophra, king of Egypt, into the hands of his enemies, those who seek his life, just as I gave King Zedekiah of Judah into the hand of King Nebuchadrezzar of Babylon, his enemy who sought his life.”(A)

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Then a breach was made in the city wall;[a] the king with all the soldiers fled[b] by night by the way of the gate between the two walls, by the King’s Garden, though the Chaldeans were all around the city. They went in the direction of the Arabah.(A) But the army of the Chaldeans pursued the king and overtook him in the plains of Jericho; all his army was scattered, deserting him. Then they captured the king and brought him up to the king of Babylon at Riblah, who passed sentence on him.(B) They slaughtered the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes, then put out the eyes of Zedekiah; they bound him in fetters and took him to Babylon.(C)

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  1. 25.4 Heb lacks wall
  2. 25.4 Lucianic: Heb lacks the king and fled

21 Mortal, I have broken the arm of Pharaoh king of Egypt; it has not been bound up for healing or wrapped with a bandage, so that it may become strong to wield the sword.(A)

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Take some large stones in your hands, and bury them in the clay pavement[a] that is at the entrance to Pharaoh’s palace in Tahpanhes. Let the Judeans see you do it, 10 and say to them, “Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: I am going to send and take my servant King Nebuchadrezzar of Babylon, and I will set his throne above these stones that I have buried, and he will spread his royal canopy over them.(A) 11 He shall come and ravage the land of Egypt, giving

those who are destined for pestilence, to pestilence,
    and those who are destined for captivity, to captivity,
    and those who are destined for the sword, to the sword.(B)

12 “I shall kindle a fire in the temples of the gods of Egypt, and he shall burn them and carry them away captive, and he shall pick clean the land of Egypt as a shepherd picks his cloak clean of vermin, and he shall depart from there safely.(C) 13 He shall break the obelisks of Heliopolis, which is in the land of Egypt, and the temples of the gods of Egypt he shall burn with fire.”

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  1. 43.9 Meaning of Heb uncertain

But the army of the Chaldeans pursued them and overtook Zedekiah in the plains of Jericho, and when they had taken him, they brought him up to King Nebuchadrezzar of Babylon, at Riblah, in the land of Hamath, and he passed sentence on him.(A) The king of Babylon slaughtered the sons of Zedekiah at Riblah before his eyes; also the king of Babylon slaughtered all the nobles of Judah.(B) He put out the eyes of Zedekiah and bound him in fetters to take him to Babylon.(C)

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21 And as for King Zedekiah of Judah and his officials, I will hand them over to their enemies and to those who seek their lives, to the army of the king of Babylon, which has withdrawn from you.(A)

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18 Which among the trees of Eden was like you in glory and in greatness? Now you shall be brought down with the trees of Eden to the world below; you shall lie among the uncircumcised, with those who are killed by the sword. This is Pharaoh and all his horde, says the Lord God.(A)

Lamentation over Pharaoh and Egypt

32 In the twelfth year, in the twelfth month, on the first day of the month, the word of the Lord came to me: Mortal, raise a lamentation over Pharaoh king of Egypt and say to him:

You consider yourself a lion among the nations,
    but you are like a dragon in the seas;
you thrash about in your streams,
    trouble the water with your feet,
    and foul your[a] streams.(B)
Thus says the Lord God:
    In an assembly of many peoples
    I will throw my net over you,
    and I[b] will haul you up in my dragnet.(C)
I will throw you on the ground;
    on the open field I will fling you
and will cause all the birds of the air to settle on you,
    and I will let the wild animals of the whole earth gorge themselves on you.(D)
I will strew your flesh on the mountains
    and fill the valleys with your carcass.[c]
I will drench the land with your flowing blood
    up to the mountains,
    and the watercourses will be filled with you.(E)
When I blot you out, I will cover the heavens
    and make their stars dark;
I will cover the sun with a cloud,
    and the moon shall not give its light.(F)
All the shining lights of the heavens
    I will darken above you
    and put darkness on your land,
            says the Lord God.
I will trouble the hearts of many peoples
    as I carry you captive[d] among the nations,
    into countries you have not known.(G)
10 I will make many peoples appalled at you;
    their kings shall shudder because of you.
When I brandish my sword before them,
    they shall tremble every moment
for their lives, each one of them,
    on the day of your downfall.(H)
11 For thus says the Lord God:
The sword of the king of Babylon shall come against you.(I)
12 I will cause your hordes to fall
    by the swords of mighty ones,
    all of them most terrible among the nations.
They shall bring to ruin the pride of Egypt,
    and all its hordes shall perish.(J)
13 I will destroy all its livestock
    from beside abundant waters,
and no human foot shall trouble them any more,
    nor shall the hoofs of cattle trouble them.(K)
14 Then I will make their waters clear
    and cause their streams to run like oil, says the Lord God.
15 When I make the land of Egypt desolate
    and when the land is stripped of all that fills it,
when I strike down all who live in it,
    then they shall know that I am the Lord.(L)
16 This is a lamentation; it shall be chanted.
    The women of the nations shall chant it.
Over Egypt and all its hordes they shall chant it,
    says the Lord God.(M)

Dirge over Egypt

17 In the twelfth year, in the first month,[e] on the fifteenth day of the month, the word of the Lord came to me:

18 Mortal, wail over the hordes of Egypt
    and send them down,
with Egypt[f] and the daughters of majestic nations,
    to the world below,
    with those who go down to the Pit.(N)
19 “Whom do you surpass in beauty?
    Go down! Be laid to rest with the uncircumcised!”(O)

20 They shall fall among those who are killed by the sword. Egypt[g] has been handed over to the sword; both it and its hordes will be carried away.[h] 21 The mighty chiefs shall speak of them, with their helpers, out of the midst of Sheol: “They have come down; they lie still, the uncircumcised, killed by the sword.”(P)

22 Assyria is there and all its company, their graves all around it, all of them killed, fallen by the sword.(Q) 23 Their graves are set in the uttermost parts of the Pit. Its company is all around its grave, all of them killed, fallen by the sword, who spread terror in the land of the living.(R)

24 Elam is there and all its hordes around its grave, all of them killed, fallen by the sword, who went down uncircumcised into the world below, who spread terror in the land of the living. They bear their shame with those who go down to the Pit.(S) 25 They have made Elam[i] a bed among the slain with all its hordes, their graves all around it, all of them uncircumcised, killed by the sword, for terror of them was spread in the land of the living, and they bear their shame with those who go down to the Pit; they are placed among the slain.(T)

26 Meshech and Tubal are there, and all their multitude, their graves all around them, all of them uncircumcised, pierced by the sword, for they spread terror in the land of the living.(U) 27 And they do not lie with the fallen warriors of long ago[j] who went down to Sheol with their weapons of war, whose swords were laid under their heads and whose shields[k] are upon their bones; for the terror of the warriors was in the land of the living.(V) 28 So you shall be broken and lie among the uncircumcised, with those who are killed by the sword.

29 Edom is there, its kings and all its princes, who for all their might are laid with those who are killed by the sword; they lie with the uncircumcised, with those who go down to the Pit.(W)

30 The princes of the north are there, all of them, and all the Sidonians, who have gone down in shame with the slain, for all the terror that they caused by their might; they lie uncircumcised with those who are killed by the sword and bear their shame with those who go down to the Pit.(X)

31 When Pharaoh sees them, he will be consoled for all his hordes—Pharaoh and all his army, killed by the sword, says the Lord God. 32 For he[l] spread terror in the land of the living; therefore he shall be laid to rest among the uncircumcised, with those who are slain by the sword—Pharaoh and all his multitude, says the Lord God.


  1. 32.2 Heb their
  2. 32.3 Gk Vg: Heb they
  3. 32.5 Symmachus Syr Vg: Heb your height
  4. 32.9 Gk: Heb bring your destruction
  5. 32.17 Gk: Heb lacks in the first month
  6. 32.18 Heb it
  7. 32.20 Heb It
  8. 32.20 Cn: Heb carry away both it and its hordes
  9. 32.25 Heb it
  10. 32.27 Gk OL: Heb of the uncircumcised
  11. 32.27 Cn: Heb iniquities
  12. 32.32 Cn: Heb I

Proclamation against Egypt

29 In the tenth year, in the tenth month, on the twelfth day of the month, the word of the Lord came to me: Mortal, set your face against Pharaoh king of Egypt, and prophesy against him and against all Egypt;(A) speak and say: Thus says the Lord God:

I am against you,
    Pharaoh king of Egypt,
the great dragon sprawling
    in the midst of its channels,
saying, “My Nile is my own;
    I made it for myself.”(B)
I will put hooks in your jaws
    and make the fish of your channels stick to your scales.
I will draw you up from your channels,
    with all the fish of your channels
    sticking to your scales.(C)
I will fling you into the wilderness,
    you and all the fish of your channels;
you shall fall in the open field
    and not be gathered or picked up.
To the animals of the earth and to the birds of the air
    I have given you as food.(D)
Then all the inhabitants of Egypt shall know
    that I am the Lord,
because you[a] were a staff of reed
    to the house of Israel;(E)
when they grasped you with the hand, you broke
    and tore all their shoulders,
and when they leaned on you, you broke
    and made all their legs give way.[b](F)

Therefore, thus says the Lord God: I will bring a sword upon you and will cut off from you human and animal,(G) and the land of Egypt shall be a desolation and a waste. Then they shall know that I am the Lord.

Because you[c] said, “The Nile is mine, and I made it,” 10 therefore, I am against you and against your channels, and I will make the land of Egypt an utter waste and desolation, from Migdol to Syene, as far as the border of Cush.(H) 11 No human foot shall pass through it, and no animal foot shall pass through it; it shall be uninhabited forty years.(I) 12 I will make the land of Egypt a desolation among desolated countries, and her cities shall be a desolation forty years among cities that are laid waste. I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations and disperse them among the countries.(J)

13 Further, thus says the Lord God: At the end of forty years I will gather the Egyptians from the peoples among whom they were scattered,(K) 14 and I will restore the fortunes of Egypt and bring them back to the land of Pathros, the land of their origin, and there they shall be a lowly kingdom. 15 It shall be the most lowly of the kingdoms and never again exalt itself above the nations, and I will make them so small that they will never again rule over the nations. 16 The Egyptians[d] shall never again be the reliance of the house of Israel; they will recall their iniquity when they turned to them for aid. Then they shall know that I am the Lord God.(L)

Babylonia Will Plunder Egypt

17 In the twenty-seventh year, in the first month, on the first day of the month, the word of the Lord came to me: 18 Mortal, King Nebuchadrezzar of Babylon made his army labor hard against Tyre; every head was made bald and every shoulder was rubbed bare, yet neither he nor his army got anything from Tyre to pay for the labor that he had expended against it.(M) 19 Therefore thus says the Lord God: I will give the land of Egypt to King Nebuchadrezzar of Babylon, and he shall carry off its wealth and despoil it and plunder it, and it shall be the wages for his army.(N) 20 I have given him the land of Egypt as his payment for which he labored, because they worked for me, says the Lord God.(O)

21 On that day I will cause a horn to sprout up for the house of Israel, and I will open your lips among them. Then they shall know that I am the Lord.(P)

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  1. 29.6 Gk Syr Vg: Heb they
  2. 29.7 Syr: Heb stand
  3. 29.9 Gk Syr Vg: Heb he
  4. 29.16 Heb It

But the army of the Chaldeans pursued the king and overtook Zedekiah in the plains of Jericho, and all his army was scattered, deserting him.(A) Then they captured the king and brought him up to the king of Babylon at Riblah in the land of Hamath, and he passed sentence on him.(B) 10 The king of Babylon killed the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes and also killed all the officers of Judah at Riblah.(C) 11 He put out the eyes of Zedekiah and bound him in fetters, and the king of Babylon took him to Babylon and put him in prison until the day of his death.(D)

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Babylonia Will Strike Egypt

13 The word that the Lord spoke to the prophet Jeremiah about the coming of King Nebuchadrezzar of Babylon to attack the land of Egypt:(A)

14 Declare in Egypt and proclaim in Migdol;
    proclaim in Memphis and Tahpanhes;
Say, “Take your stations and be ready,
    for the sword shall devour those around you.”(B)
15 Why has Apis[a] fled?
    Why did your bull not stand?
    Because the Lord thrust him down.
16 Your multitude stumbled[b] and fell,
    and one said to another,
“Come, let us go back to our own people
    and to the land of our birth,
    because of the destroying sword.”(C)
17 Give Pharaoh, king of Egypt, the name
    “Braggart who missed his chance.”(D)

18 As I live, says the King,
    whose name is the Lord of hosts,
one is coming
    like Tabor among the mountains
    and like Carmel by the sea.(E)
19 Pack your bags for exile,
    sheltered daughter Egypt!
For Memphis shall become a waste,
    a ruin, without inhabitant.(F)

20 A beautiful heifer is Egypt—
    a gadfly from the north lights upon her.(G)
21 Even her mercenaries in her midst
    are like fatted calves;
they, too, have turned and fled together;
    they did not stand,
for the day of their calamity has come upon them,
    the time of their punishment.(H)

22 She makes a sound like a snake gliding away,
    for her enemies march in force
and come against her with axes,
    like those who fell trees.(I)
23 They shall cut down her forest,
            says the Lord,
    though it is impenetrable,
because they are more numerous
    than locusts;
    they are without number.(J)
24 Daughter Egypt shall be put to shame;
    she shall be handed over to a people from the north.(K)

25 The Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, said: See, I am bringing punishment upon Amon of Thebes and Pharaoh and Egypt and her gods and her kings, upon Pharaoh and those who trust in him.(L) 26 I will hand them over to those who seek their life, to King Nebuchadrezzar of Babylon and his servants. Afterward Egypt shall be inhabited as in the days of old, says the Lord.(M)

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  1. 46.15 Gk: Heb mighty ones
  2. 46.16 Gk: Heb the stumblers multiplied