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20 You showed signs and wonders in the land of Egypt and to this day in Israel and among all humankind and have made yourself a name that continues to this very day.(A)

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10 You performed signs and wonders against Pharaoh and all his servants and all the people of his land, for you knew that they acted insolently against our ancestors. You made a name for yourself that remains to this day.(A)

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36 He led them out, having performed wonders and signs in Egypt, at the Red Sea, and in the wilderness for forty years.(A)

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15 “And now, O Lord our God, who brought your people out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand and made your name renowned even to this day—we have sinned, we have done wickedly.(A)

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he sent signs and wonders
    into your midst, O Egypt,
    against Pharaoh and all his servants.(A)

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23 Who is like your people, like Israel? Is there another[a] nation on earth whose God went to redeem it as a people and to make a name for himself, doing[b] great and awesome things, driving out[c] nations and their gods before your people, whom you redeemed for yourself from Egypt?(A)

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  1. 7.23 Gk: Heb one
  2. 7.23 Gk: Heb adds for you
  3. 7.23 Gk: Heb for your land

and that you may tell your children and grandchildren how I have made fools of the Egyptians and what signs I have done among them—so that you may know that I am the Lord.”(A)

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16 But this is why I have let you live: to show you my power and to make my name resound through all the earth.(A)

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12 who caused his glorious arm
    to march at the right hand of Moses,
who divided the waters before them
    to make for himself an everlasting name,(A)

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27 They performed his signs among them
    and miracles in the land of Ham.(A)
28 He sent darkness and made the land dark;
    they rebelled[a] against his words.(B)
29 He turned their waters into blood
    and caused their fish to die.(C)
30 Their land swarmed with frogs,
    even in the chambers of their kings.(D)
31 He spoke, and there came swarms of flies
    and gnats throughout their country.(E)
32 He gave them hail for rain
    and lightning that flashed through their land.(F)
33 He struck their vines and fig trees
    and shattered the trees of their country.
34 He spoke, and the locusts came,
    and young locusts without number;(G)
35 they devoured all the vegetation in their land
    and ate up the fruit of their ground.
36 He struck down all the firstborn in their land,
    the first issue of all their strength.(H)

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  1. 105.28 Cn Compare Gk Syr: Heb they did not rebel

43 when he displayed his signs in Egypt
    and his miracles in the fields of Zoan.
44 He turned their rivers to blood,
    so that they could not drink of their streams.(A)
45 He sent among them swarms of flies that devoured them
    and frogs that destroyed them.(B)
46 He gave their crops to the caterpillar
    and the fruit of their labor to the locust.
47 He destroyed their vines with hail
    and their sycamores with frost.(C)
48 He gave over their cattle to the hail
    and their flocks to thunderbolts.(D)
49 He let loose on them his fierce anger,
    wrath, indignation, and distress,
    a company of destroying angels.(E)
50 He made a path for his anger;
    he did not spare them from death
    but gave their lives over to the plague.
51 He struck all the firstborn in Egypt,
    the first issue of their strength in the tents of Ham.(F)

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21 Who is like your people Israel, one nation on the earth whom God went to redeem to be his people, making for yourself a name for great and awesome things, in driving out nations before your people whom you redeemed from Egypt?

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19 the great trials that your eyes saw, the signs and wonders, the mighty hand and the outstretched arm by which the Lord your God brought you out. The Lord your God will do the same to all the peoples of whom you are afraid.(A)

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22 The Lord displayed before our eyes great and awesome signs and wonders against Egypt, against Pharaoh and all his household.

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34 Or has any god ever attempted to go and take a nation for himself from the midst of another nation, by trials, by signs and wonders, by war, by a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, and by terrifying displays of power, as the Lord your God did for you in Egypt before your very eyes?(A)

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But I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and I will multiply my signs and wonders in the land of Egypt.(A)

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