[a]Do ye think that the Scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us, lusteth after envy?

But the Scripture offereth more grace, and therefore saith, (A)God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.

(B)[b]Submit yourselves to God: resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

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  1. James 4:5 The taking away of an objection: Indeed our minds run headlong into these vices, but we ought so much the more diligently take heed of them: which care and study shall not be in vain, seeing that God resists the stubborn, and giveth that grace to the modest and humble that surmounteth all those vices.
  2. James 4:7 The conclusion: We must set the contrary virtues against those vices, and therefore whereas we obeyed the suggestions of the devil, we must submit our minds to God, and resist the devil, with a certain and assured hope of victory: To be short, we must employ ourselves to come near unto God by purity and sincerity of life.

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