14 Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: (A)Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear (B)a Son, and shall call His name (C)Immanuel.[a]

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  1. Isaiah 7:14 Lit. God-With-Us

14 Por tanto, el Señor mismo os dará señal: He aquí que la virgen concebirá, y dará a luz un hijo,(A) y llamará su nombre Emanuel.[a]

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  1. Isaías 7:14 Esto es, Dios con nosotros.

14 Therefore Hashem Himself shall give you an ot (sign); Hinei, HaAlmah (the unmarried young virgin) shall conceive, and bear Ben, and shall call Shmo Immanu El (G-d is with us) [See extensive commentary in The Translator To The Reader, page vii].

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