Isaiah 58:13-14
Wycliffe Bible
13 If thou turnest away thy foot from the sabbath, to do thy [own] will in mine holy day; and callest the sabbath delicate, and holy, the glorious of the Lord; and glorifiest him, while thou doest not thy ways, and thy will is not found, that thou speak a word; (If thou ceasest turning thy foot away from the sabbath, that is, if thou stoppest doing thy own will on my holy day; and instead callest the sabbath a delight, yea, holy to the Lord, and glorious; and glorifiest him, while thou goest not thy own way, and thy own will is not found when thou shalt speak a word;)
14 then thou shalt delight on the Lord, and I shall raise thee [up] on the highness of the earth, and I shall feed thee with the heritage of Jacob, thy father; for why the mouth of the Lord spake. (then thou shalt delight thyself in the Lord, and I shall raise thee up on the highness of the earth, and I shall feed thee with the inheritance of thy father Jacob; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.)
Read full chapter2001 by Terence P. Noble