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“Look! I have made him a witness to the peoples,
    a leader and commander of the peoples.

“Look! You will call a nation that you do not know,
    and a nation that does[a] not know you will run[b] to you,
because of the Lord your God, even[c] the Holy One of Israel,
    for he has glorified you.”

Steps to Reconciliation

“Seek the Lord while he[d] may be found,
    call upon him while he is near.

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  1. Isaiah 55:5 So 1QIsaa; MT reads a nation (pl.) that do; LXX reads nations that do
  2. Isaiah 55:5 So 1QIsaa (sing.); MT LXX (pl.)
  3. Isaiah 55:5 So 1QIsaa; MT 1QIsaa corrector read and because of
  4. Isaiah 55:6 So 1QIsaa 1QIsab MT LXX; implied in 4QIsac