Woes and Judgments

Woe(A) to you who add house to house
    and join field to field(B)
till no space is left
    and you live alone in the land.

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11 Woe(A) to those who rise early in the morning
    to run after their drinks,
who stay up late at night
    till they are inflamed with wine.(B)

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18 Woe(A) to those who draw sin along with cords(B) of deceit,
    and wickedness(C) as with cart ropes,

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20 Woe(A) to those who call evil good(B)
    and good evil,(C)
who put darkness for light
    and light for darkness,(D)
who put bitter for sweet
    and sweet for bitter.(E)

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21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes(A)
    and clever in their own sight.

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