Salvation Reaches to the End of the Earth

49 Listen to Me, O (A)islands,
And pay attention, you peoples from afar.
(B)The Lord called Me from the womb;
From the [a]body of My mother He named Me.
He has made My (C)mouth like a sharp sword,
In the (D)shadow of His hand He has concealed Me;
And He has also made Me a [b]select (E)arrow,
He has hidden Me in His quiver.
He said to Me, “(F)You are My Servant, Israel,
(G)In Whom I will [c]show My glory.”
But I said, “I have (H)toiled in vain,
I have spent My strength for nothing and vanity;
Yet surely the justice due to Me is with the Lord,
And My (I)reward with My God.”

And now says (J)the Lord, who formed Me from the womb to be His Servant,
To bring Jacob back to Him, so that (K)Israel might be gathered to Him
(For I am (L)honored in the sight of the Lord,
And My God is My (M)strength),
He says, “It is too [d]small a thing that You should be My Servant
To raise up the tribes of Jacob and to restore the (N)preserved ones of Israel;
I will also make You a (O)light [e]of the nations
So that My salvation may [f]reach to the (P)end of the earth.”
Thus says the Lord, the (Q)Redeemer of Israel and its Holy One,
To the (R)despised One,
To the One abhorred by the nation,
To the Servant of rulers,
(S)Kings will see and arise,
Princes will also (T)bow down,
Because of the Lord who is faithful, the Holy One of Israel who has chosen You.”

Thus says the Lord,
“In a (U)favorable time I have answered You,
And in a day of salvation I have helped You;
And I will (V)keep You and (W)give You for a covenant of the people,
To [g](X)restore the land, to make them inherit the desolate heritages;
Saying to those who are (Y)bound, ‘Go forth,’
To those who are in darkness, ‘Show yourselves.’
Along the roads they will feed,
And their pasture will be on all (Z)bare heights.
10 “They will (AA)not hunger or thirst,
Nor will the scorching (AB)heat or sun strike them down;
For (AC)He who has compassion on them will (AD)lead them
And will guide them to (AE)springs of water.
11 “I will make all (AF)My mountains a road,
And My (AG)highways will be raised up.
12 “Behold, these will come (AH)from afar;
And lo, these will come from the (AI)north and from the west,
And these from the land of Sinim.”
13 (AJ)Shout for joy, O heavens! And rejoice, O earth!
Break forth into joyful shouting, O mountains!
For the (AK)Lord has comforted His people
And will (AL)have compassion on His afflicted.

Promise to Zion

14 But Zion said, “The Lord has forsaken me,
And the Lord has forgotten me.”
15 “Can a woman forget her nursing child
And have no compassion on the son of her womb?
Even these may forget, but (AM)I will not forget you.
16 “Behold, I have (AN)inscribed you on the palms of My hands;
Your (AO)walls are continually before Me.
17 “Your [h]builders hurry;
Your (AP)destroyers and devastators
Will depart from you.
18 (AQ)Lift up your eyes and look around;
(AR)All of them gather together, (AS)they come to you.
(AT)As I live,” declares the Lord,
“You will surely (AU)put on all of them as [i]jewels and bind them on as a bride.
19 “For (AV)your waste and desolate places and your destroyed land—
Surely now you will be (AW)too cramped for the inhabitants,
And those who (AX)swallowed you will be far away.
20 “The (AY)children of [j]whom you were bereaved will yet say in your ears,
‘The place is too cramped for me;
Make room for me that I may live here.’
21 “Then you will (AZ)say in your heart,
‘Who has begotten these for me,
Since I have been bereaved of my children
And am (BA)barren, an (BB)exile and a wanderer?
And who has reared these?
Behold, I was (BC)left alone;
[k](BD)From where did these come?’”

22 Thus says the Lord [l]God,

“Behold, I will lift up My hand to the nations
And set up My (BE)standard to the peoples;
And they will (BF)bring your sons in their bosom,
And your daughters will be carried on their shoulders.
23 (BG)Kings will be your guardians,
And their princesses your nurses.
They will (BH)bow down to you with their faces to the earth
And (BI)lick the dust of your feet;
And you will (BJ)know that I am the Lord;
Those who hopefully (BK)wait for Me will (BL)not be put to shame.

24 (BM)Can the prey be taken from the mighty man,
Or the captives of [m]a tyrant be rescued?”

25 Surely, thus says the Lord,

“Even the (BN)captives of the mighty man will be taken away,
And the prey of the tyrant will be rescued;
For I will contend with the one who contends with you,
And I will (BO)save your sons.
26 “I will feed your (BP)oppressors with their (BQ)own flesh,
And they will become drunk with their own blood as with sweet wine;
And (BR)all flesh will know that I, the Lord, am your (BS)Savior
And your (BT)Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.”

God Helps His Servant

50 Thus says the Lord,

“Where is the (BU)certificate of divorce
By which I have (BV)sent your mother away?
Or to whom of My creditors did I (BW)sell you?
Behold, you were sold for your (BX)iniquities,
And for your (BY)transgressions your mother (BZ)was sent away.
“Why was there (CA)no man when I came?
When I called, why was there none to answer?
Is My (CB)hand so short that it cannot ransom?
Or have I no power to deliver?
Behold, I (CC)dry up the sea with My rebuke,
I (CD)make the rivers a wilderness;
Their fish stink for lack of water
And die of thirst.
“I (CE)clothe the heavens with blackness
And make sackcloth their covering.”

The Lord [n]God has given Me the tongue of (CF)disciples,
That I may know how to (CG)sustain the weary one with a word.
He awakens Me (CH)morning by morning,
He awakens My ear to listen as a disciple.
The Lord God has (CI)opened My ear;
And I was (CJ)not disobedient
Nor did I turn back.
I (CK)gave My back to those who strike Me,
And My cheeks to those who pluck out the beard;
I did not cover My face from humiliation and spitting.
For the Lord God (CL)helps Me,
Therefore, I am (CM)not disgraced;
Therefore, I have set My face like (CN)flint,
And I know that I will not be ashamed.
He who (CO)vindicates Me is near;
Who will contend with Me?
Let us (CP)stand up to each other;
Who has a case against Me?
Let him draw near to Me.
Behold, (CQ)the Lord God helps Me;
(CR)Who is he who condemns Me?
Behold, (CS)they will all wear out like a garment;
The moth will eat them.
10 Who is among you that fears the Lord,
That obeys the voice of His (CT)servant,
That (CU)walks in darkness and has no light?
Let him (CV)trust in the name of the Lord and rely on his God.
11 Behold, all you who (CW)kindle a fire,
Who [o]encircle yourselves with firebrands,
Walk in the light of your fire
And among the brands you have set ablaze.
This you will have from My hand:
You will (CX)lie down in torment.

Israel Exhorted

51 (CY)Listen to me, you who (CZ)pursue righteousness,
Who seek the Lord:
Look to the (DA)rock from which you were hewn
And to the [p]quarry from which you were dug.
“Look to (DB)Abraham your father
And to Sarah who gave birth to you in pain;
When he (DC)was but one I called him,
Then I blessed him and multiplied him.”
Indeed, (DD)the Lord will comfort Zion;
He will comfort all her (DE)waste places.
And her (DF)wilderness He will make like (DG)Eden,
And her desert like the (DH)garden of the Lord;
(DI)Joy and gladness will be found in her,
Thanksgiving and sound of a melody.

(DJ)Pay attention to Me, O My people,
And give ear to Me, O My [q]nation;
For a (DK)law will go forth from Me,
And I will [r]set My (DL)justice for a (DM)light of the peoples.
“My (DN)righteousness is near, My salvation has gone forth,
And My (DO)arms will judge the peoples;
The (DP)coastlands will wait for Me,
And for My (DQ)arm they will wait expectantly.
(DR)Lift up your eyes to the sky,
Then look to the earth beneath;
For the (DS)sky will vanish like smoke,
And the (DT)earth will wear out like a garment
And its inhabitants will die [s]in like manner;
But My (DU)salvation will be forever,
And My righteousness will not [t]wane.
(DV)Listen to Me, you who know righteousness,
A people in whose (DW)heart is My law;
Do not fear the (DX)reproach of man,
Nor be dismayed at their revilings.
“For the (DY)moth will eat them like a garment,
And the (DZ)grub will eat them like wool.
But My (EA)righteousness will be forever,
And My salvation to all generations.”

(EB)Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the Lord;
Awake as in the (EC)days of old, the generations of long ago.
(ED)Was it not You who cut Rahab in pieces,
Who pierced the (EE)dragon?
10 Was it not You who (EF)dried up the sea,
The waters of the great deep;
Who made the depths of the sea a pathway
For the (EG)redeemed to cross over?
11 So the (EH)ransomed of the Lord will return
And come with joyful shouting to Zion,
And (EI)everlasting joy will be on their heads.
They will obtain gladness and joy,
And (EJ)sorrow and sighing will flee away.

12 “I, even I, am He who (EK)comforts you.
Who are you that you are afraid of (EL)man who dies
And of the son of man who is made (EM)like grass,
13 That you have (EN)forgotten the Lord your Maker,
Who (EO)stretched out the heavens
And laid the foundations of the earth,
That you (EP)fear continually all day long because of the fury of the oppressor,
As he makes ready to destroy?
But where is the fury of the (EQ)oppressor?

14 The [u](ER)exile will soon be set free, and will not die in the dungeon, (ES)nor will his bread be lacking. 15 For I am the Lord your God, who (ET)stirs up the sea and its waves roar (the Lord of hosts is His name). 16 I have (EU)put My words in your mouth and have (EV)covered you with the shadow of My hand, to [v](EW)establish the heavens, to found the earth, and to say to Zion, ‘You are My people.’”

17 (EX)Rouse yourself! Rouse yourself! Arise, O Jerusalem,
You who have (EY)drunk from the Lord’s hand the cup of His anger;
The [w]chalice of reeling you have [x]drained to the dregs.
18 There is (EZ)none to guide her among all the sons she has borne,
Nor is there one to take her by the hand among all the sons she has reared.
19 These two things have befallen you;
Who will mourn for you?
The (FA)devastation and destruction, famine and sword;
How shall I comfort you?
20 Your sons have fainted,
They (FB)lie helpless at the head of every street,
Like an (FC)antelope in a net,
Full of the wrath of the Lord,
The (FD)rebuke of your God.

21 Therefore, please hear this, you (FE)afflicted,
Who are (FF)drunk, but not with wine:
22 Thus says your Lord, the Lord, even your God
Who (FG)contends for His people,
“Behold, I have taken out of your hand the (FH)cup of reeling,
The [y]chalice of My anger;
You will never drink it again.
23 “I will (FI)put it into the hand of your tormentors,
Who have said to [z]you, ‘(FJ)Lie down that we may walk over you.’
You have even made your back like the ground
And like the street for those who walk over it.”

Cheer for Prostrate Zion

52 (FK)Awake, awake,
Clothe yourself in your strength, O Zion;
Clothe yourself in your (FL)beautiful garments,
O Jerusalem, the (FM)holy city;
For the uncircumcised and the (FN)unclean
Will no longer come into you.
Shake yourself (FO)from the dust, (FP)rise up,
O captive Jerusalem;
(FQ)Loose yourself from the chains around your neck,
O captive daughter of Zion.

For thus says the Lord, “You were (FR)sold for nothing and you will be (FS)redeemed (FT)without money.” For thus says the Lord [aa]God, “My people (FU)went down at the first into Egypt to reside there; then the Assyrian oppressed them without cause. Now therefore, what do I have here,” declares the Lord, “seeing that My people have been taken away without cause?” Again the Lord declares, “Those who rule over them howl, and My (FV)name is continually blasphemed all day long. Therefore My people shall (FW)know My name; therefore in that day I am the one who is speaking, ‘Here I am.’”

How lovely on the mountains
Are the feet of him who brings (FX)good news,
Who announces [ab]peace
And brings good news of [ac]happiness,
Who announces salvation,
And says to Zion, “Your (FY)God [ad]reigns!”
Listen! Your watchmen lift up their (FZ)voices,
They shout joyfully together;
For they will see [ae]with their own eyes
When the Lord restores Zion.
(GA)Break forth, shout joyfully together,
You (GB)waste places of Jerusalem;
For the Lord has comforted His people,
He has (GC)redeemed Jerusalem.
10 The Lord has bared His holy (GD)arm
In the sight of all the nations,
[af]That (GE)all the ends of the earth may see
The salvation of our God.

11 (GF)Depart, depart, go out from there,
(GG)Touch nothing unclean;
Go out of the midst of her, (GH)purify yourselves,
You who carry the vessels of the Lord.
12 But you will not go out in (GI)haste,
Nor will you go [ag]as fugitives;
For the (GJ)Lord will go before you,
And (GK)the God of Israel will be your rear guard.

The Exalted Servant

13 Behold, My (GL)servant will prosper,
He will be high and lifted up and [ah]greatly (GM)exalted.
14 Just as many were astonished at you, My people,
So His (GN)appearance was marred more than any man
And His form more than the sons of men.
15 Thus He will (GO)sprinkle many nations,
Kings will (GP)shut their mouths on account of Him;
For (GQ)what had not been told them they will see,
And what they had not heard they will understand.


  1. Isaiah 49:1 Lit inward parts
  2. Isaiah 49:2 Or sharpened
  3. Isaiah 49:3 Or glorify Myself
  4. Isaiah 49:6 Lit light
  5. Isaiah 49:6 Or to
  6. Isaiah 49:6 Lit be
  7. Isaiah 49:8 Lit establish
  8. Isaiah 49:17 So ancient versions and DSS; M.T. reads sons
  9. Isaiah 49:18 Lit an ornament
  10. Isaiah 49:20 Lit your bereavement
  11. Isaiah 49:21 Lit These, where are they?
  12. Isaiah 49:22 Heb YHWH, usually rendered Lord
  13. Isaiah 49:24 So ancient versions and DSS; M.T. reads the righteous, cf v 25
  14. Isaiah 50:4 Heb YHWH, usually rendered Lord, and so throughout the ch
  15. Isaiah 50:11 Lit gird
  16. Isaiah 51:1 Lit excavation of a pit
  17. Isaiah 51:4 Or people
  18. Isaiah 51:4 Lit cause to rest
  19. Isaiah 51:6 Or like gnats
  20. Isaiah 51:6 Lit be broken
  21. Isaiah 51:14 Lit one in chains
  22. Isaiah 51:16 Lit plant
  23. Isaiah 51:17 Lit bowl of the cup of reeling
  24. Isaiah 51:17 Lit drunk
  25. Isaiah 51:22 Lit bowl of the cup of
  26. Isaiah 51:23 Lit your soul
  27. Isaiah 52:4 Heb YHWH, usually rendered Lord
  28. Isaiah 52:7 Or well-being
  29. Isaiah 52:7 Lit good
  30. Isaiah 52:7 Or is King
  31. Isaiah 52:8 Lit eye to eye
  32. Isaiah 52:10 Lit will see
  33. Isaiah 52:12 Lit in flight
  34. Isaiah 52:13 Or very high

A Cry of Distress and Imprecation on Adversaries.

For the choir director; according to [a]Shoshannim. A Psalm of David.

69 Save me, O God,
For the (A)waters have [b]threatened my life.
I have sunk in deep (B)mire, and there is no foothold;
I have come into deep waters, and a [c](C)flood overflows me.
I am (D)weary with my crying; my throat is parched;
My (E)eyes fail while I wait for my God.
Those (F)who hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of my head;
Those who would [d]destroy me (G)are powerful, being wrongfully my enemies;
(H)What I did not steal, I then have to restore.

O God, it is You who knows (I)my folly,
And (J)my wrongs are not hidden from You.
May those who wait for You not (K)be ashamed through me, O Lord [e]God of hosts;
May those who seek You not be dishonored through me, O God of Israel,
Because (L)for Your sake I have borne reproach;
(M)Dishonor has covered my face.
I have become (N)estranged [f]from my brothers
And an alien to my mother’s sons.
For (O)zeal for Your house has consumed me,
And (P)the reproaches of those who reproach You have fallen on me.
10 When I wept (Q)in my soul with fasting,
It became my reproach.
11 When I made (R)sackcloth my clothing,
I became (S)a byword to them.
12 Those who (T)sit in the gate talk about me,
And I am the [g](U)song of the drunkards.

13 But as for me, my prayer is to You, O Lord, (V)at an acceptable time;
O God, in the (W)greatness of Your lovingkindness,
Answer me with [h]Your saving truth.
14 Deliver me from the (X)mire and do not let me sink;
May I be (Y)delivered from [i]my foes and from the [j](Z)deep waters.
15 May the [k](AA)flood of water not overflow me
Nor the deep swallow me up,
Nor the (AB)pit shut its mouth on me.

16 Answer me, O Lord, for (AC)Your lovingkindness is good;
(AD)According to the greatness of Your compassion, (AE)turn to me,
17 And (AF)do not hide Your face from Your servant,
For I am (AG)in distress; answer me quickly.
18 Oh draw near to my soul and (AH)redeem it;
(AI)Ransom me because of my enemies!
19 You know my (AJ)reproach and my shame and my dishonor;
All my adversaries are [l]before You.

20 Reproach has (AK)broken my heart and I am so sick.
And (AL)I looked for sympathy, but there was none,
And for (AM)comforters, but I found none.
21 They also gave me [m](AN)gall [n]for my food
And for my thirst they (AO)gave me vinegar to drink.

22 May (AP)their table before them become a snare;
And [o](AQ)when they are in peace, may it become a trap.
23 May their (AR)eyes grow dim so that they cannot see,
And make their (AS)loins shake continually.
24 (AT)Pour out Your indignation on them,
And may Your burning anger overtake them.
25 May their [p](AU)camp be desolate;
May none dwell in their tents.
26 For they have (AV)persecuted him whom (AW)You Yourself have smitten,
And they tell of the pain of those whom (AX)You have [q]wounded.
27 Add (AY)iniquity to their iniquity,
And (AZ)may they not come into (BA)Your righteousness.
28 May they be (BB)blotted out of the (BC)book of life
And may they not be [r](BD)recorded with the righteous.

29 But I am (BE)afflicted and in pain;
[s]May Your salvation, O God, (BF)set me securely on high.
30 I will (BG)praise the name of God with song
And (BH)magnify Him with (BI)thanksgiving.
31 And it will (BJ)please the Lord better than an ox
Or a young bull with horns and hoofs.
32 The (BK)humble [t]have seen it and are glad;
You who seek God, (BL)let your heart [u]revive.
33 For (BM)the Lord hears the needy
And (BN)does not despise His who are prisoners.

34 Let (BO)heaven and earth praise Him,
The seas and (BP)everything that moves in them.
35 For God will (BQ)save Zion and (BR)build the cities of Judah,
That they may dwell there and (BS)possess it.
36 The [v](BT)descendants of His servants will inherit it,
And those who love His name (BU)will dwell in it.


  1. Psalm 69:1 Or possibly Lilies
  2. Psalm 69:1 Lit come to the soul
  3. Psalm 69:2 Lit flowing stream
  4. Psalm 69:4 Or silence
  5. Psalm 69:6 Heb YHWH, usually rendered Lord
  6. Psalm 69:8 Lit to
  7. Psalm 69:12 Lit songs
  8. Psalm 69:13 Or the faithfulness of Your salvation
  9. Psalm 69:14 Lit those who hate me
  10. Psalm 69:14 Lit deep places of water
  11. Psalm 69:15 Lit stream
  12. Psalm 69:19 Or known to You
  13. Psalm 69:21 Or poison
  14. Psalm 69:21 Or in
  15. Psalm 69:22 Lit for those who are secure
  16. Psalm 69:25 Lit encampment
  17. Psalm 69:26 Lit pierced
  18. Psalm 69:28 Lit written
  19. Psalm 69:29 Or Your salvation, O God, will set...
  20. Psalm 69:32 Some mss and ancient versions read will see
  21. Psalm 69:32 Or live
  22. Psalm 69:36 Lit seed

Prophecy a Superior Gift

14 (A)Pursue love, yet (B)desire earnestly (C)spiritual gifts, but especially that you may (D)prophesy. For one who (E)speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God; for no one [a]understands, but [b]in his spirit he speaks (F)mysteries. But one who prophesies speaks to men for (G)edification and (H)exhortation and consolation. One who (I)speaks in a tongue (J)edifies himself; but one who (K)prophesies (L)edifies the church. Now I wish that you all (M)spoke in tongues, but (N)even more that you would prophesy; and greater is one who prophesies than one who (O)speaks in tongues, unless he interprets, so that the church may receive (P)edifying.

But now, brethren, if I come to you speaking in tongues, what will I profit you unless I speak to you either by way of (Q)revelation or of (R)knowledge or of (S)prophecy or of (T)teaching? Yet even lifeless things, either flute or harp, in producing a sound, if they do not produce a distinction in the tones, how will it be known what is played on the flute or on the harp? For if (U)the [c]bugle produces an indistinct sound, who will prepare himself for battle? So also you, unless you utter by the tongue speech that is clear, how will it be known what is spoken? For you will be (V)speaking into the air. 10 There are, perhaps, a great many kinds of [d]languages in the world, and no kind is without meaning. 11 If then I do not know the meaning of the language, I will be to the one who speaks a [e](W)barbarian, and the one who speaks will be a [f]barbarian [g]to me. 12 So also you, since you are zealous of [h]spiritual gifts, seek to abound for the (X)edification of the church.

13 Therefore let one who speaks in a tongue pray that he may interpret. 14 For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my mind is unfruitful. 15 (Y)What is the outcome then? I will pray with the spirit and I will pray with the mind also; I will (Z)sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also. 16 Otherwise if you bless [i]in the spirit only, how will the one who fills the place of the [j]ungifted say (AA)the “Amen” at your (AB)giving of thanks, since he does not know what you are saying? 17 For you are giving thanks well enough, but the other person is not (AC)edified. 18 I thank God, I speak in tongues more than you all; 19 however, in the church I desire to speak five words with my mind so that I may instruct others also, rather than ten thousand words in a tongue.

Instruction for the Church

20 (AD)Brethren, (AE)do not be children in your thinking; yet in evil (AF)be infants, but in your thinking be mature. 21 In (AG)the Law it is written, “(AH)By men of strange tongues and by the lips of strangers I will speak to this people, and even so they will not listen to Me,” says the Lord. 22 So then tongues are for a sign, not to those who believe but to unbelievers; but (AI)prophecy is for a sign, not to unbelievers but to those who believe. 23 Therefore if the whole church assembles together and all speak in tongues, and [k]ungifted men or unbelievers enter, will they not say that (AJ)you are mad? 24 But if all (AK)prophesy, and an unbeliever or an [l]ungifted man enters, he is (AL)convicted by all, he is called to account by all; 25 (AM)the secrets of his heart are disclosed; and so he will (AN)fall on his face and worship God, (AO)declaring that God is certainly among you.

26 (AP)What is the outcome then, (AQ)brethren? When you assemble, (AR)each one has a (AS)psalm, has a (AT)teaching, has a (AU)revelation, has a (AV)tongue, has an (AW)interpretation. Let (AX)all things be done for edification. 27 If anyone speaks in a (AY)tongue, it should be by two or at the most three, and each in turn, and one must (AZ)interpret; 28 but if there is no interpreter, he must keep silent in the church; and let him speak to himself and to God. 29 Let two or three (BA)prophets speak, and let the others (BB)pass judgment. 30 But if a revelation is made to another who is seated, the first one must keep silent. 31 For you can all prophesy one by one, so that all may learn and all may be exhorted; 32 and the spirits of prophets are subject to prophets; 33 for God is not a God of (BC)confusion but of [m]peace, as in (BD)all the churches of the (BE)saints.

34 The women are to (BF)keep silent in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak, but (BG)are to subject themselves, just as (BH)the Law also says. 35 If they desire to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is [n]improper for a woman to speak in church. 36 [o]Was it from you that the word of God first went forth? Or has it come to you only?

37 (BI)If anyone thinks he is a prophet or (BJ)spiritual, let him recognize that the things which I write to you (BK)are the Lord’s commandment. 38 But if anyone does not recognize this, he [p]is not recognized.

39 Therefore, my brethren, (BL)desire earnestly to (BM)prophesy, and do not forbid to speak in tongues. 40 But (BN)all things must be done properly and in an orderly manner.


  1. 1 Corinthians 14:2 Lit hears
  2. 1 Corinthians 14:2 Or by the Spirit
  3. 1 Corinthians 14:8 Lit trumpet
  4. 1 Corinthians 14:10 Lit voices
  5. 1 Corinthians 14:11 Or foreigner
  6. 1 Corinthians 14:11 Or foreigner
  7. 1 Corinthians 14:11 Or in my estimation
  8. 1 Corinthians 14:12 Lit spirits
  9. 1 Corinthians 14:16 Or with the
  10. 1 Corinthians 14:16 I.e. unversed in spiritual gifts
  11. 1 Corinthians 14:23 V 16, note 2
  12. 1 Corinthians 14:24 V 16, note 2
  13. 1 Corinthians 14:33 Or peace. As in all...saints, let
  14. 1 Corinthians 14:35 Or disgraceful
  15. 1 Corinthians 14:36 Lit Or was
  16. 1 Corinthians 14:38 Two early mss read is not to be recognized