20 (A)Go out from Babylon! Flee from the Chaldeans!
Declare with the sound of (B)joyful shouting, proclaim this,
(C)Send it out to the end of the earth;
Say, “(D)The Lord has redeemed His servant Jacob.”

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“Wander away from the (A)midst of Babylon
And [a]go out from the land of the Chaldeans;
Be like male goats [b]at the head of the flock.

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  1. Jeremiah 50:8 Another reading is let them go out
  2. Jeremiah 50:8 Or in front of

[a]You there! (A)Flee from the land of the north,” declares the Lord, “because I have (B)spread you out like the four winds of the heavens,” declares the Lord.

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  1. Zechariah 2:6 Lit Hoy

[a]You, Zion! (A)Escape, you who are living with the daughter of Babylon.”

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  1. Zechariah 2:7 Lit Hoy

17 (A)Therefore, (B)come out from their midst and be separate,” says the Lord.
And do not touch what is unclean;
And I will welcome you.

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