Isaiah 44:1-5
New Century Version
The Lord Is the Only God
44 The Lord says, “People of Jacob, you are my servants. Listen to me!
People of Israel, I chose you.”
2 This is what the Lord says, who made you,
who formed you in your mother’s body,
who will help you:
“People of Jacob, my servants, don’t be afraid.
Israel, I chose you.
3 I will pour out water for the thirsty land
and make streams flow on dry land.
I will pour out my Spirit into your children
and my blessing on your descendants.
4 Your children will grow like a tree in the grass,
like poplar trees growing beside streams of water.
5 One person will say, ‘I belong to the Lord,’
and another will use the name Jacob.
Another will sign his name ‘I am the Lord’s,’
and another will use the name Israel.”
The Holy Bible, New Century Version®. Copyright © 2005 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.