Israel Encouraged

41 (A)Coastlands, listen to Me (B)in silence,
And let the peoples (C)gain new strength;
(D)Let them come forward, then let them speak;
(E)Let us come together for judgment.
(F)Who has aroused one from the east
Whom He (G)calls in righteousness to His [a]feet?
He (H)delivers up nations before him
And subdues kings.
He makes them like (I)dust with his sword,
As the wind-driven (J)chaff with his bow.
“He pursues them, passing on in safety,
By a way he had not been [b]traversing with his feet.
(K)Who has performed and accomplished it,
Calling forth the generations from the beginning?
(L)I, the Lord, am the first, and with the last. (M)I am He.’”

The (N)coastlands have seen and are afraid;
The (O)ends of the earth tremble;
They have drawn near and have come.
Each one helps his neighbor
And says to his brother, “Be strong!”
So the (P)craftsman encourages the (Q)smelter,
And he who smooths metal with the hammer encourages him who beats the anvil,
Saying of the soldering, “It is good”;
And he fastens it with nails,
(R)So that it will not totter.
“But you, Israel, (S)My servant,
Jacob whom I have chosen,
Descendant of (T)Abraham My (U)friend,
You whom I have [c](V)taken from the ends of the earth,
And called from its (W)remotest parts
And said to you, ‘You are (X)My servant,
I have (Y)chosen you and not rejected you.
10 ‘Do not (Z)fear, for I am with you;
Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you, surely (AA)I will help you,
Surely I will uphold you with My righteous (AB)right hand.’
11 “Behold, (AC)all those who are angered at you will be shamed and dishonored;
(AD)Those who contend with you will be as nothing and will perish.
12 (AE)You will seek those who quarrel with you, but will not find them,
Those who war with you will be as nothing and non-existent.
13 “For I am the Lord your God, (AF)who upholds your right hand,
Who says to you, ‘(AG)Do not fear, I will help you.’
14 “Do not fear, you (AH)worm Jacob, you men of Israel;
I will help you,” declares the Lord, “[d]and (AI)your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel.
15 “Behold, I have made you a new, sharp threshing sledge with double edges;
(AJ)You will thresh the (AK)mountains and pulverize them,
And will make the hills like chaff.
16 “You will (AL)winnow them, and the wind will carry them away,
And the storm will scatter them;
But you will (AM)rejoice in the Lord,
You will glory in the Holy One of Israel.

17 “The [e]afflicted and needy are seeking (AN)water, but there is none,
And their tongue is parched with thirst;
I, the Lord, (AO)will answer them Myself,
As the God of Israel I (AP)will not forsake them.
18 “I will open (AQ)rivers on the bare heights
And springs in the midst of the valleys;
I will make (AR)the wilderness a pool of water
And the dry land fountains of water.
19 “I will put the cedar in the wilderness,
The acacia and the (AS)myrtle and the [f]olive tree;
I will place the (AT)juniper in the desert
Together with the box tree and the cypress,
20 That (AU)they may see and recognize,
And consider and gain insight as well,
That the (AV)hand of the Lord has done this,
And the Holy One of Israel has created it.

21 [g]Present your case,” the Lord says.
“Bring forward your strong arguments,”
The (AW)King of Jacob says.
22 (AX)Let them bring forth and declare to us what is going to take place;
As for the (AY)former events, declare what they were,
That we may consider them and know their outcome.
Or announce to us what is coming;
23 (AZ)Declare the things that are going to come afterward,
That we may know that you are gods;
Indeed, (BA)do good or evil, that we may anxiously look about us and fear together.
24 Behold, (BB)you are of [h]no account,
And (BC)your work amounts to nothing;
He who chooses you is an (BD)abomination.

25 “I have aroused (BE)one from the north, and he has come;
From the rising of the sun he will call on My name;
And he will come upon rulers as upon (BF)mortar,
Even as the potter treads clay.”
26 Who has (BG)declared this from the beginning, that we might know?
Or from former times, that we may say, “He is right!”?
Surely there was (BH)no one who declared,
Surely there was no one who proclaimed,
Surely there was no one who heard your words.
27 (BI)Formerly I said to Zion, ‘Behold, here they are.’
And to Jerusalem, ‘I will give a (BJ)messenger of good news.’
28 “But (BK)when I look, there is no one,
And there is no (BL)counselor [i]among them
Who, if I ask, can (BM)give an answer.
29 “Behold, all of them are [j]false;
Their (BN)works are (BO)worthless,
Their molten images are (BP)wind and emptiness.

God’s Promise concerning His Servant

42 (BQ)Behold, My (BR)Servant, whom I [k]uphold;
My (BS)chosen one in whom My (BT)soul delights.
I have put My (BU)Spirit upon Him;
He will bring forth (BV)justice to the [l]nations.
“He will not cry out or raise His voice,
Nor make His voice heard in the street.
“A bruised reed He will not break
And a dimly burning wick He will not extinguish;
He will faithfully bring forth (BW)justice.
“He will not be (BX)disheartened or crushed
Until He has established justice in the earth;
And the (BY)coastlands will wait expectantly for His [m]law.”

Thus says God the Lord,

Who (BZ)created the heavens and (CA)stretched them out,
Who spread out the (CB)earth and its [n]offspring,
Who (CC)gives breath to the people on it
And spirit to those who walk in it,
“I am the Lord, I have (CD)called You in righteousness,
I will also (CE)hold You by the hand and (CF)watch over You,
And I will appoint You as a (CG)covenant to the people,
As a (CH)light to the nations,
To (CI)open blind eyes,
To (CJ)bring out prisoners from the dungeon
And those who dwell in darkness from the prison.
(CK)I am the Lord, that is (CL)My name;
I will not give My (CM)glory to another,
Nor My praise to [o]graven images.
“Behold, the (CN)former things have come to pass,
Now I declare (CO)new things;
Before they spring forth I proclaim them to you.”

10 Sing to the Lord a (CP)new song,
Sing His praise from the (CQ)end of the earth!
(CR)You who go down to the sea, and (CS)all that is in it.
You (CT)islands, and those who dwell on them.
11 Let the (CU)wilderness and its cities lift up their voices,
The settlements where (CV)Kedar inhabits.
Let the inhabitants of (CW)Sela sing aloud,
Let them shout for joy from the tops of the (CX)mountains.
12 Let them (CY)give glory to the Lord
And declare His praise in the (CZ)coastlands.
13 (DA)The Lord will go forth like a warrior,
He will arouse His (DB)zeal like a man of war.
He will utter a shout, yes, He will raise a war cry.
He will (DC)prevail against His enemies.

The Blindness of the People

14 (DD)I have kept silent for a long time,
I have kept still and restrained Myself.
Now like a woman in labor I will groan,
I will both gasp and pant.
15 “I will (DE)lay waste the mountains and hills
And wither all their vegetation;
I will (DF)make the rivers into coastlands
And dry up the ponds.
16 “I will (DG)lead the blind by a way they do not know,
In paths they do not know I will guide them.
I will (DH)make darkness into light before them
And (DI)rugged places into plains.
These are the things I will do,
And I will (DJ)not leave them undone.”
17 They will be turned back and be (DK)utterly put to shame,
Who trust in [p]idols,
Who say to molten images,
“You are our gods.”

18 (DL)Hear, you deaf!
And look, you blind, that you may see.
19 Who is blind but My (DM)servant,
Or so deaf as My (DN)messenger whom I send?
Who is so blind as he that is [q](DO)at peace with Me,
Or so blind as the servant of the Lord?
20 (DP)You have seen many things, but you do not observe them;
Your ears are open, but none hears.
21 The Lord was pleased for His righteousness’ sake
To make the law (DQ)great and glorious.
22 But this is a people plundered and despoiled;
All of them are (DR)trapped in [r]caves,
Or are (DS)hidden away in prisons;
They have become a prey with none to deliver them,
And a spoil, with none to say, “Give them back!”

23 Who among you will give ear to this?
Who will give heed and listen hereafter?
24 Who gave Jacob up for spoil, and Israel to plunderers?
Was it not the Lord, against whom we have sinned,
And in whose ways they (DT)were not willing to walk,
And whose law they did not (DU)obey?
25 So He poured out on him the heat of His anger
And the (DV)fierceness of battle;
And it set him aflame all around,
Yet he did not recognize it;
And it burned him, but he [s](DW)paid no attention.

Israel Redeemed

43 But now, thus says the Lord, your (DX)Creator, O Jacob,
And He who (DY)formed you, O Israel,
“Do not (DZ)fear, for I have (EA)redeemed you;
I have (EB)called you by name; you are (EC)Mine!
“When you (ED)pass through the waters, (EE)I will be with you;
And through the rivers, they will not overflow you.
When you (EF)walk through the fire, you will not be scorched,
Nor will the flame burn you.
“For (EG)I am the Lord your God,
The Holy One of Israel, your (EH)Savior;
I have given Egypt as your ransom,
[t](EI)Cush and Seba in your place.
“Since you are (EJ)precious in My sight,
Since you are (EK)honored and I (EL)love you,
I will give other men in your place and other peoples in exchange for your life.
“Do not fear, for (EM)I am with you;
I will bring (EN)your offspring from the east,
And (EO)gather you from the west.
“I will say to the (EP)north, ‘Give them up!’
And to the south, ‘Do not hold them back.’
Bring My (EQ)sons from afar
And My daughters from the (ER)ends of the earth,
Everyone who is (ES)called by My name,
And whom I have (ET)created for My (EU)glory,
(EV)Whom I have formed, even whom I have made.”

Israel Is God’s Witness

Bring out the people who are (EW)blind, even though they have eyes,
And the deaf, even though they have ears.
All the nations have (EX)gathered together
So that the peoples may be assembled.
Who among them can (EY)declare this
And proclaim to us the former things?
Let them present (EZ)their witnesses (FA)that they may be justified,
Or let them hear and say, “It is true.”
10 “You are (FB)My witnesses,” declares the Lord,
“And (FC)My servant whom I have chosen,
So that you may know and believe Me
And understand that (FD)I am He.
(FE)Before Me there was no God formed,
And there will be none after Me.
11 “I, even I, am the Lord,
And there is no (FF)savior (FG)besides Me.
12 “It is I who have declared and saved and proclaimed,
And there was no (FH)strange god among you;
So you are My witnesses,” declares the Lord,
“And I am God.
13 “Even [u](FI)from eternity (FJ)I am He,
And there is (FK)none who can deliver out of My hand;
(FL)I act and who can reverse it?”

Babylon to Be Destroyed

14 Thus says the Lord your (FM)Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel,

“For your sake I have sent to Babylon,
And will bring them all down as fugitives,
[v]Even the (FN)Chaldeans, into the (FO)ships [w]in which they rejoice.
15 “I am the Lord, your Holy One,
(FP)The Creator of Israel, your (FQ)King.”

16 Thus says the Lord,

Who (FR)makes a way through the sea
And a path through the mighty waters,
17 Who brings forth the (FS)chariot and the horse,
The army and the mighty man
(They will lie down together and not rise again;
They have been (FT)quenched and extinguished like a wick):
18 (FU)Do not call to mind the former things,
Or ponder things of the past.
19 “Behold, I will do something (FV)new,
Now it will spring forth;
Will you not be aware of it?
I will even (FW)make a roadway in the wilderness,
Rivers in the desert.
20 “The beasts of the field will glorify Me,
The (FX)jackals and the ostriches,
Because I have (FY)given waters in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert,
To give drink to My chosen people.
21 “The people whom (FZ)I formed for Myself
(GA)Will declare My praise.

The Shortcomings of Israel

22 “Yet you have not called on Me, O Jacob;
But you have become (GB)weary of Me, O Israel.
23 “You have (GC)not brought to Me the sheep of your burnt offerings,
Nor have you (GD)honored Me with your sacrifices.
I have not (GE)burdened you with [x]offerings,
Nor wearied you with (GF)incense.
24 “You have bought Me not [y](GG)sweet cane with money,
Nor have you [z]filled Me with the fat of your sacrifices;
Rather you have burdened Me with your sins,
You have (GH)wearied Me with your iniquities.

25 “I, even I, am the one who (GI)wipes out your transgressions (GJ)for My own sake,
And I will (GK)not remember your sins.
26 [aa]Put Me in remembrance, (GL)let us argue our case together;
State your cause, (GM)that you may be proved right.
27 “Your (GN)first [ab]forefather sinned,
And your [ac](GO)spokesmen have [ad]transgressed against Me.
28 “So I will [ae]pollute the [af]princes of the sanctuary,
And I will consign Jacob to the (GP)ban and Israel to (GQ)revilement.

The Blessings of Israel

44 “But now listen, O Jacob, My (GR)servant,
And Israel, whom I have chosen:
Thus says the Lord who made you
And (GS)formed you from the womb, who (GT)will help you,
(GU)Do not fear, O Jacob My servant;
And you (GV)Jeshurun whom I have chosen.
‘For (GW)I will pour out water on [ag]the thirsty land
And streams on the dry ground;
I will (GX)pour out My Spirit on your (GY)offspring
And My blessing on your descendants;
And they will spring up [ah]among the grass
Like (GZ)poplars by streams of water.’
“This one will say, ‘I am the Lord’s’;
And that one [ai]will call on the name of Jacob;
And another will (HA)write [aj]on his hand, ‘Belonging to the Lord,’
And will name Israel’s name with honor.

“Thus says the Lord, the (HB)King of Israel and his (HC)Redeemer, the Lord of hosts:

‘I am the (HD)first and I am the last,
And there is no God (HE)besides Me.
‘Who is like Me? (HF)Let him proclaim and declare it;
Yes, let him recount it to Me in order,
[ak]From the time that I established the ancient [al]nation.
And let them declare to them the things that are coming
And the events that are going to take place.
‘Do not tremble and do not be afraid;
(HG)Have I not long since announced it to you and declared it?
And (HH)you are My witnesses.
Is there any God (HI)besides Me,
Or is there any other (HJ)Rock?
I know of none.’”

The Folly of Idolatry

Those who fashion [am]a graven image are all of them futile, and their precious things are of no profit; even their own witnesses fail to see or know, so that they will be (HK)put to shame. 10 Who has fashioned a god or cast [an]an idol to (HL)no profit? 11 Behold, all his companions will be (HM)put to shame, for the craftsmen themselves are mere men. Let them all assemble themselves, let them stand up, let them tremble, let them together be put to shame.

12 The (HN)man shapes iron into a cutting tool and does his work over the coals, [ao]fashioning it with hammers and working it with his strong arm. He also gets hungry and [ap]his strength fails; he drinks no water and becomes weary. 13 (HO)Another shapes wood, he extends a measuring line; he outlines it with red chalk. He works it with planes and outlines it with a compass, and makes it like the form of a man, like the beauty of (HP)man, so that it may sit in a (HQ)house. 14 Surely he cuts cedars for himself, and takes a [aq]cypress or an oak and [ar]raises it for himself among the trees of the forest. He plants a fir, and the rain makes it grow. 15 Then it becomes something for a man to burn, so he takes one of them and warms himself; he also makes a fire to bake bread. He also (HR)makes a god and worships it; he makes it a graven image and (HS)falls down before it. 16 Half of it he burns in the fire; over this half he eats meat as he roasts a roast and is satisfied. He also warms himself and says, “Aha! I am warm, I have seen the fire.” 17 But the rest of it he (HT)makes into a god, his graven image. He falls down before it and worships; he also (HU)prays to it and says, “Deliver me, for you are my god.”

18 They do not (HV)know, nor do they understand, for He has (HW)smeared over their eyes so that they cannot see and their hearts so that they cannot comprehend. 19 No one [as]recalls, nor is there (HX)knowledge or understanding to say, “I have burned half of it in the fire and also have baked bread over its coals. I roast meat and eat it. Then [at]I make the rest of it into an (HY)abomination, [au]I fall down before a block of wood!” 20 He [av](HZ)feeds on ashes; a (IA)deceived heart has turned him aside. And he cannot deliver [aw]himself, nor say, “(IB)Is there not a lie in my right hand?”

God Forgives and Redeems

21 (IC)Remember these things, O Jacob,
And Israel, for you are (ID)My servant;
I have formed you, you are My servant,
O Israel, you will (IE)not be forgotten by Me.
22 “I have (IF)wiped out your transgressions like a thick cloud
And your sins like a [ax]heavy mist.
(IG)Return to Me, for I have (IH)redeemed you.”
23 (II)Shout for joy, O heavens, for the Lord has done it!
Shout joyfully, you lower parts of the earth;
(IJ)Break forth into a shout of joy, you mountains,
O forest, and every tree in it;
For (IK)the Lord has redeemed Jacob
And in Israel He (IL)shows forth His glory.

24 Thus says the Lord, your (IM)Redeemer, and the one who (IN)formed you from the womb,

“I, the Lord, am the maker of all things,
(IO)Stretching out the heavens by Myself
And spreading out the earth [ay]all alone,
25 (IP)Causing the [az]omens of boasters to fail,
[ba]Making fools out of diviners,
(IQ)Causing wise men to draw back
And [bb]turning their knowledge into foolishness,
26 (IR)Confirming the word of His servant
And [bc]performing the purpose of His messengers.
It is I who says of Jerusalem, ‘She shall be inhabited!’
And of the (IS)cities of Judah, ‘(IT)They shall be built.’
And I will raise up her ruins again.
27 It is I who says to the depth of the sea, ‘Be dried up!’
And I will make your rivers (IU)dry.
28 It is I who says of (IV)Cyrus, ‘He is My shepherd!
And he will perform all My desire.’
And [bd]he declares of Jerusalem, ‘(IW)She will be built,’
And of the temple, ‘[be]Your foundation will be laid.’”


  1. Isaiah 41:2 Lit foot
  2. Isaiah 41:3 Lit going
  3. Isaiah 41:9 Or taken hold of
  4. Isaiah 41:14 Or even your Redeemer, the Holy One
  5. Isaiah 41:17 Or poor
  6. Isaiah 41:19 Or oleaster
  7. Isaiah 41:21 Lit Bring near
  8. Isaiah 41:24 Lit nothing
  9. Isaiah 41:28 Lit out of those
  10. Isaiah 41:29 Another reading is nothing
  11. Isaiah 42:1 Or hold fast
  12. Isaiah 42:1 Or Gentiles
  13. Isaiah 42:4 Or instruction
  14. Isaiah 42:5 Or vegetation
  15. Isaiah 42:8 Or idols
  16. Isaiah 42:17 Or graven images
  17. Isaiah 42:19 Or the devoted one
  18. Isaiah 42:22 Or holes
  19. Isaiah 42:25 Lit did not lay it to heart
  20. Isaiah 43:3 Or Ethiopia
  21. Isaiah 43:13 So with Gr; Heb from the day
  22. Isaiah 43:14 Another reading is As for the Chaldeans, their rejoicing is turned into lamentations
  23. Isaiah 43:14 Lit of their rejoicing
  24. Isaiah 43:23 Or a meal offering
  25. Isaiah 43:24 Or calamus
  26. Isaiah 43:24 Or saturated
  27. Isaiah 43:26 Or Report to Me
  28. Isaiah 43:27 Lit father
  29. Isaiah 43:27 Or interpreters
  30. Isaiah 43:27 Or rebelled
  31. Isaiah 43:28 Or pierce through
  32. Isaiah 43:28 Or holy princes
  33. Isaiah 44:3 Or him who is thirsty
  34. Isaiah 44:4 Another reading is like grass among the waters
  35. Isaiah 44:5 Another reading is will be called by the name of Jacob
  36. Isaiah 44:5 Or with
  37. Isaiah 44:7 Lit From My establishing of
  38. Isaiah 44:7 Or people
  39. Isaiah 44:9 Or an idol
  40. Isaiah 44:10 Or a graven image
  41. Isaiah 44:12 Lit and fashions
  42. Isaiah 44:12 Lit there is no strength
  43. Isaiah 44:14 Or holm-oak
  44. Isaiah 44:14 Lit makes strong
  45. Isaiah 44:19 Lit returns to his heart
  46. Isaiah 44:19 Or shall I make?
  47. Isaiah 44:19 Or shall I fall...?
  48. Isaiah 44:20 Or is a companion of ashes
  49. Isaiah 44:20 Lit his soul
  50. Isaiah 44:22 Or cloud
  51. Isaiah 44:24 Or who was with Me?
  52. Isaiah 44:25 Lit signs
  53. Isaiah 44:25 Lit He makes
  54. Isaiah 44:25 Lit He turns
  55. Isaiah 44:26 Lit He performs
  56. Isaiah 44:28 Lit to say
  57. Isaiah 44:28 Lit You will be founded

The Use of Spiritual Gifts

12 Now concerning (A)spiritual gifts, brethren, (B)I do not want you to be unaware. (C)You know that when you were pagans, you were (D)led astray to the (E)mute idols, however you were led. Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking [a](F)by the Spirit of God says, “Jesus is [b](G)accursed”; and no one can say, “Jesus is (H)Lord,” except [c](I)by the Holy Spirit.

Now there are (J)varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. There are varieties of effects, but the same (K)God who works all things in all persons. But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit (L)for the common good. For to one is given the word of (M)wisdom through the Spirit, and to another the word of (N)knowledge according to the same Spirit; to another (O)faith [d]by the same Spirit, and to another (P)gifts of [e]healing [f]by the one Spirit, 10 and to another the [g]effecting of [h](Q)miracles, and to another (R)prophecy, and to another the [i](S)distinguishing of spirits, to another various (T)kinds of tongues, and to another the (U)interpretation of tongues. 11 But one and the same Spirit works all these things, (V)distributing to each one individually just as He wills.

12 For even (W)as the body is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the body, though they are many, are one body, (X)so also is Christ. 13 For [j](Y)by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether (Z)Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to (AA)drink of one Spirit.

14 For (AB)the body is not one member, but many. 15 If the foot says, “Because I am not a hand, I am not a part of the body,” it is not for this reason [k]any the less a part of the body. 16 And if the ear says, “Because I am not an eye, I am not a part of the body,” it is not for this reason [l]any the less a part of the body. 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole were hearing, where would the sense of smell be? 18 But now God has (AC)placed the members, each one of them, in the body, (AD)just as He desired. 19 If they were all one member, where would the body be? 20 But now (AE)there are many members, but one body. 21 And the eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you”; or again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” 22 On the contrary, [m]it is much truer that the members of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary; 23 and those members of the body which we [n]deem less honorable, [o]on these we bestow more abundant honor, and our less presentable members become much more presentable, 24 whereas our more presentable members have no need of it. But God has so composed the body, giving more abundant honor to that member which lacked, 25 so that there may be no [p]division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. 26 And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is [q]honored, all the members rejoice with it.

27 Now you are (AF)Christ’s body, and (AG)individually members of it. 28 And God has [r](AH)appointed in (AI)the church, first (AJ)apostles, second (AK)prophets, third (AL)teachers, then [s](AM)miracles, then (AN)gifts of healings, helps, (AO)administrations, various (AP)kinds of tongues. 29 All are not apostles, are they? All are not prophets, are they? All are not teachers, are they? All are not workers of [t]miracles, are they? 30 All do not have gifts of healings, do they? All do not speak with tongues, do they? All do not (AQ)interpret, do they? 31 But (AR)earnestly desire the greater gifts.

And I show you a still more excellent way.


  1. 1 Corinthians 12:3 Or in
  2. 1 Corinthians 12:3 Gr anathema
  3. 1 Corinthians 12:3 Or in
  4. 1 Corinthians 12:9 Or in
  5. 1 Corinthians 12:9 Lit healings
  6. 1 Corinthians 12:9 Or in
  7. 1 Corinthians 12:10 Lit effects
  8. 1 Corinthians 12:10 Or works of power
  9. 1 Corinthians 12:10 Lit distinguishings
  10. 1 Corinthians 12:13 Or in
  11. 1 Corinthians 12:15 Lit not a part
  12. 1 Corinthians 12:16 Lit not a part
  13. 1 Corinthians 12:22 Lit to a much greater degree the members
  14. 1 Corinthians 12:23 Or think to be
  15. 1 Corinthians 12:23 Or these we clothe with
  16. 1 Corinthians 12:25 Lit schism
  17. 1 Corinthians 12:26 Lit glorified
  18. 1 Corinthians 12:28 Lit set some in
  19. 1 Corinthians 12:28 Or works of power
  20. 1 Corinthians 12:29 Or works of power