13 The Lord said:

These people approach me with their speeches(A)
to honor me with lip-service,[a]
yet their hearts are far from me,
and human rules direct their worship of me.[b]

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  1. 29:13 Lit their mouth and honor me with its lips
  2. 29:13 Lit their fearing of me is a taught command of men

11 Who was it you dreaded and feared,
so that you lied and didn’t remember me
or take it to heart?
I have kept silent for a long time, haven’t I?[a](A)
So you do not fear me.

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  1. 57:11 LXX reads And I, when I see you, I pass by

31 So my people come to you in crowds,[a] sit in front of you, and hear your words, but they don’t obey them. Their mouths go on passionately, but their hearts pursue dishonest profit.

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  1. 33:31 Lit you like the coming of a people

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