Egypt Will Know the Lord

16 On that day Egypt will be like women and will tremble with fear because of the threatening hand of the Lord of Armies when he raises it against them.

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41 The towns have[a] been captured,
and the strongholds seized.
In that day the heart of Moab’s warriors
will be like the heart of a woman with contractions.(A)

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  1. 48:41 Or Kerioth has

30 Babylon’s warriors have stopped fighting;
they sit in their strongholds.
Their might is exhausted;
they have become like women.(A)
Babylon’s homes have been set ablaze,
her gate bars are shattered.(B)

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13 Look, your troops are like women among you;
your land’s city gates
are wide open to your enemies.
Fire will devour the bars of your gates.

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