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Isaiah 63:11-14
Tree of Life Version
Isaiah 63:11-14
Tree of Life Version
11 Then His people remembered the days of old,
the days of Moses:
“Where is He who brought them through the sea
with the shepherd of His flock?
Where is He who put among them
His Ruach ha-Kodesh?
12 Who caused His glorious arm to go
at the right hand of Moses?
Who divided the waters before them—
to make Himself a Name forever?
13 Who led them through the depths?
Like a horse in the desert,
they did not stumble.
14 Like cattle that go down into a valley,
the Ruach Adonai gave them rest.
So You led Your people,
to make Yourself a glorious Name.
Tree of Life Version (TLV)
Tree of Life (TLV) Translation of the Bible. Copyright © 2015 by The Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society.