Yeshayah 61:1-3
Orthodox Jewish Bible
61 The Ruach [Hakodesh] of Adonoi Hashem is upon me [Moshiach], because Hashem mashach (hath anointed) me [Moshiach] to preach besurah (good news, glad tidings) unto the anavim (meek, poor, oppressed); He hath sent me to bind up the nishberei lev (the brokenhearted), to proclaim deror (freedom, liberty) for the shevuyim ([Golus] captives), and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;
2 To proclaim the Shnat Ratzon L’Hashem (the year of the L-rd’s favor and grace), and the Yom Nakam L’Eloheinu (our G-d’s Day of Vengeance); to comfort all the avelim (mourners);
3 To grant unto Avelei Tziyon (Mourners of Zion), giving unto them a flower wreath instead of ashes, the shemen sasson (oil of joy) instead of avel (mourning), the garment of tehillah (praise) for the ruach of keheh (fainting, a heavy spirit); that they might be called Eilei HaTzedek (Oaks of Righteousness), the planting of Hashem, that He might be glorified.
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