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He was oppressed and treated harshly,
    yet he never said a word.
He was led like a lamb to the slaughter.
    And as a sheep is silent before the shearers,
    he did not open his mouth.
Unjustly condemned,
    he was led away.[a]
No one cared that he died without descendants,
    that his life was cut short in midstream.[b]
But he was struck down
    for the rebellion of my people.

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  1. 53:8a Greek version reads He was humiliated and received no justice. Compare Acts 8:33.
  2. 53:8b Or As for his contemporaries, / who cared that his life was cut short in midstream? Greek version reads Who can speak of his descendants? / For his life was taken from the earth. Compare Acts 8:33.

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