17 Your children hasten back,
    and those who laid you waste(A) depart from you.

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As a young man marries a young woman,
    so will your Builder marry you;
as a bridegroom(A) rejoices over his bride,
    so will your God rejoice(B) over you.

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13 that you forget(A) the Lord your Maker,(B)
    who stretches out the heavens(C)
    and who lays the foundations of the earth,
that you live in constant terror(D) every day
    because of the wrath of the oppressor,
    who is bent on destruction?
For where is the wrath of the oppressor?(E)

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24 “‘No longer will the people of Israel have malicious neighbors who are painful briers and sharp thorns.(A) Then they will know that I am the Sovereign Lord.

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22 This is what your Sovereign Lord says,
    your God, who defends(A) his people:
“See, I have taken out of your hand
    the cup(B) that made you stagger;
from that cup, the goblet of my wrath,
    you will never drink again.
23 I will put it into the hands of your tormentors,(C)
    who said to you,
    ‘Fall prostrate(D) that we may walk(E) on you.’
And you made your back like the ground,
    like a street to be walked on.”(F)

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18 Among all the children(A) she bore
    there was none to guide her;(B)
among all the children she reared
    there was none to take her by the hand.(C)
19 These double calamities(D) have come upon you—
    who can comfort you?(E)
ruin and destruction,(F) famine(G) and sword(H)
    who can[a] console you?
20 Your children have fainted;
    they lie at every street corner,(I)
    like antelope caught in a net.(J)
They are filled with the wrath(K) of the Lord,
    with the rebuke(L) of your God.

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  1. Isaiah 51:19 Dead Sea Scrolls, Septuagint, Vulgate and Syriac; Masoretic Text / how can I

19 “Though you were ruined and made desolate(A)
    and your land laid waste,(B)
now you will be too small for your people,(C)
    and those who devoured(D) you will be far away.

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I send him against a godless(A) nation,
    I dispatch(B) him against a people who anger me,(C)
to seize loot and snatch plunder,(D)
    and to trample(E) them down like mud in the streets.

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17 Then I said to them, “You see the trouble we are in: Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been burned with fire.(A) Come, let us rebuild the wall(B) of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace.(C)

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The king said to me, “What is it you want?”

Then I prayed to the God of heaven, and I answered the king, “If it pleases the king and if your servant has found favor in his sight, let him send me to the city in Judah where my ancestors are buried so that I can rebuild it.”

Then the king(A), with the queen sitting beside him, asked me, “How long will your journey take, and when will you get back?” It pleased the king to send me; so I set a time.

I also said to him, “If it pleases the king, may I have letters to the governors of Trans-Euphrates,(B) so that they will provide me safe-conduct until I arrive in Judah? And may I have a letter to Asaph, keeper of the royal park, so he will give me timber to make beams for the gates of the citadel(C) by the temple and for the city wall and for the residence I will occupy?” And because the gracious hand of my God was on me,(D) the king granted my requests.(E) So I went to the governors of Trans-Euphrates and gave them the king’s letters. The king had also sent army officers and cavalry(F) with me.

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Then the family heads of Judah and Benjamin,(A) and the priests and Levites—everyone whose heart God had moved(B)—prepared to go up and build the house(C) of the Lord in Jerusalem.

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