(A)The new wine fails, the vine languishes,
All the merry-hearted sigh.

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10 (A)Gladness is taken away,
And joy from the plentiful field;
In the vineyards there will be no singing,
Nor will there be shouting;
No treaders will tread out wine in the presses;
I have made their shouting cease.

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10 The field is wasted,
(A)The land mourns;
For the grain is ruined,
(B)The new wine is dried up,
The oil fails.

11 (C)Be ashamed, you farmers,
Wail, you vinedressers,
For the wheat and the barley;
Because the harvest of the field has perished.
12 (D)The vine has dried up,
And the fig tree has withered;
The pomegranate tree,
The palm tree also,
And the apple tree—
All the trees of the field are withered;
Surely (E)joy has withered away from the sons of men.

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For (A)the fields of Heshbon languish,
And (B)the vine of Sibmah;
The lords of the nations have broken down its choice plants,
Which have reached to Jazer
And wandered through the wilderness.
Her branches are stretched out,
They are gone over the (C)sea.

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Judgment of Israel’s Sin

Do(A) not rejoice, O Israel, with joy like other peoples,
For you have played the harlot against your God.
You have made love for (B)hire on every threshing floor.
The threshing floor and the winepress
Shall not feed them,
And the new wine shall fail in her.

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Consequences of Complacency

Rise up, you women (A)who are at ease,
Hear my voice;
You complacent daughters,
Give ear to my speech.
10 In a year and some days
You will be troubled, you complacent women;
For the vintage will fail,
The gathering will not come.
11 Tremble, you women who are at ease;
Be troubled, you complacent ones;
Strip yourselves, make yourselves bare,
And gird sackcloth on your waists.

12 People shall mourn upon their breasts
For the pleasant fields, for the fruitful vine.
13 (B)On the land of my people will come up thorns and briers,
Yes, on all the happy homes in (C)the joyous city;

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