The land shall be entirely emptied and utterly plundered,
For the Lord has spoken this word.

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Impending Judgment on the Earth

24 Behold, the Lord makes the earth empty and makes it waste,
Distorts its surface
And scatters abroad its inhabitants.

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11 Then I said, “Lord, how long?”

And He answered:

(A)“Until the cities are laid waste and without inhabitant,
The houses are without a man,
The land is utterly desolate,

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(A)But everyone shall sit under his vine and under his fig tree,
And no one shall make them afraid;
For the mouth of the Lord of hosts has spoken.

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therefore, O mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord God! Thus says the Lord God to the mountains, the hills, the [a]rivers, the valleys, the desolate wastes, and the cities that have been forsaken, which (A)became plunder and (B)mockery to the rest of the nations all around—

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  1. Ezekiel 36:4 Or ravines

25 In that day,’ says the Lord of hosts, ‘the peg that is fastened in the secure place will be removed and be cut down and fall, and the burden that was on it will be cut off; for the Lord has spoken.’ ”

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17 and the remainder of the number of archers, the mighty men of the people of Kedar, will be diminished; for the Lord God of Israel has spoken it.

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21 to fulfill the word of the Lord by the mouth of (A)Jeremiah, until the land (B)had enjoyed her Sabbaths. As long as she lay desolate (C)she kept Sabbath, to fulfill seventy years.

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28 And the Lord (A)uprooted them from their land in anger, in wrath, and in great indignation, and cast them into another land, as it is this day.’

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23 ‘The whole land is brimstone, (A)salt, and burning; it is not sown, nor does it bear, nor does any grass grow there, (B)like the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboiim, which the Lord overthrew in His anger and His wrath.’

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30 (A)I will destroy your high places, cut down your incense altars, and cast your carcasses on the lifeless forms of your idols;

and My soul shall abhor you.

31 I will lay your (B)cities waste and (C)bring your sanctuaries to desolation, and I will not (D)smell the fragrance of your [a]sweet aromas.

32 (E)I will bring the land to desolation, and your enemies who dwell in it shall be astonished at it.

33 (F)I will scatter you among the nations and draw out a sword after you;

your land shall be desolate and your cities waste.

34 (G)Then the land shall enjoy its sabbaths as long as it lies desolate and you are in your enemies’ land;

then the land shall rest and enjoy its sabbaths.

35 As long as it lies desolate it shall rest—

for the time it did not rest on your (H)sabbaths when you dwelt in it.

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  1. Leviticus 26:31 pleasing

Pride Precedes Captivity

15 Hear and give ear:
Do not be proud,
For the Lord has spoken.

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