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All you inhabitants of the world,
    you who live on the earth,
when a signal is raised on the mountains, look!
    When a trumpet is blown, listen!(A)

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26 He will raise a signal for a nation far away
    and whistle for a people at the ends of the earth.
Here they come, swiftly, speedily!(A)

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11 O Lord, your hand is lifted up,
    but they do not see it.
Let them see your zeal for your people and be ashamed.
    Let the fire for your adversaries consume them.(A)

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16 “But blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear.(A)

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If you have ears,[a] hear!”(A)

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  1. 13.9 Other ancient authorities add to hear

14 Then the Lord will appear over them,
    and his arrow go forth like lightning;
the Lord God will sound the trumpet
    and march forth in the whirlwinds of the south.(A)

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Cheating and Violence to Be Punished

The voice of the Lord cries to the city
    (and he shall save those who fear his name[a]):
Hear, O tribe and assembly of the city![b]

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  1. 6.9 Gk: Meaning of Heb uncertain
  2. 6.9 Cn Compare Gk: Heb tribe, and who has appointed it yet?

Hear, you mountains, the case of the Lord,
    and you enduring foundations of the earth,
for the Lord has a case against his people,
    and he will contend with Israel.(A)

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Is a trumpet blown in a city,
    and the people are not afraid?
Does disaster befall a city
    unless the Lord has done it?(A)
Surely the Lord God does nothing
    without revealing his secret
    to his servants the prophets.(B)
The lion has roared;
    who will not fear?
The Lord God has spoken;
    who can but prophesy?(C)

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29 O land, land, land,
    hear the word of the Lord!(A)

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Listen, a tumult on the mountains
    as of a great multitude!
Listen, an uproar of kingdoms,
    of nations gathering together!
The Lord of hosts is mustering
    an army for battle.(A)

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On a bare hill raise a signal;
    cry aloud to them;
wave the hand for them to enter
    the gates of the nobles.(A)

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18 On that day the Lord will whistle for the fly that is at the sources of the streams of Egypt and for the bee that is in the land of Assyria.(A)

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The Wickedness of Judah

Hear, O heavens, and listen, O earth,
    for the Lord has spoken:
I reared children and brought them up,
    but they have rebelled against me.(A)

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Psalm 50

The Acceptable Sacrifice

A Psalm of Asaph.

The mighty one, God the Lord,
    speaks and summons the earth
    from the rising of the sun to its setting.(A)

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Psalm 49

The Folly of Trust in Riches

To the leader. Of the Korahites. A Psalm.

Hear this, all you peoples;
    give ear, all inhabitants of the world,(A)
both low and high,
    rich and poor together.

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