1 Peter 1:10-20
New Testament for Everyone
Ransomed by grace
10 The prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to be given to you searched and inquired about this rescue. 11 They asked what sort of time it would be, the time that the Messiah’s spirit within them was indicating when speaking of the Messiah’s sufferings and subsequent glory. 12 It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves, but you, when they were ministering these things—things which have now been announced to you by the holy spirit who was sent from heaven, through those who preached the good news to you. The angels long to gaze on these things!
13 So fasten your belts—the belts of your minds! Keep yourselves under control. Set your hope completely on the grace that will be given you when Jesus the Messiah is revealed. 14 As children of obedience, don’t be squashed into the shape of the passions you used to indulge when you were still in ignorance. 15 Rather, just as the one who called you is holy, so be holy yourselves, in every aspect of behavior. 16 It is written, you see, “Be holy, for I am holy.” 17 If you call on God as “Father”—the God, that is, who judges everyone impartially according to their work—behave with holy fear throughout the time in which you are resident here.
18 You know, after all, that you were ransomed from the futile practices inherited from your ancestors, and that this ransom came not through perishable things like gold or silver, 19 but through the precious blood of the Messiah, like a lamb without spot or blemish. 20 He was destined for this from before the foundation of the world, and appeared at the end of the times for your sake,
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