11 1 The benefits of the Lord toward Israel. 5 Their ingratitude against him.

When Israel [a]was a child, then I loved him, and called my son out of Egypt.

They called them, but they [b]went thus from them: they sacrificed unto Baal, and burnt incense to images.

I led Ephraim also, as one should bear them in his arms: but they knew not that I healed them.

I led them with cords [c]of a man, even with bands of love, and I was to them, as he was taketh off the yoke from their jaws, and I laid the meat unto them.

He shall no more return into the land of Egypt: but Assyria shall be his [d]King, because they refused to convert.

And the sword shall fall on his cities, and shall consume his bars, and devour them, because of their own counsels.

And my people are bent to rebellion against me: though [e]they called them to the most high, yet none at all would exalt him.

[f]How shall I give thee up, Ephraim? how shall I deliver thee, Israel? how shall I make thee, as [g]Admah? how shall I set thee, as Zeboim? mine heart is turned within me: [h]my repentings are rouled together.

I will not execute the fierceness of my wrath: I will not return to destroy Ephraim: for I am God, and not man, the holy one in the midst of thee, and I will not [i]enter into the city.

10 They shall walk after the Lord: he shall roar like a lion: when he shall roar, then the children of the West shall fear.

11 [j]They shall fear as a sparrow out of Egypt, and as a dove out of the land of Assyria, and I will place them in their houses, saith the Lord.

12 Ephraim compasseth me about with lies, and the house of Israel with deceit: but Judah yet ruleth with [k]God, and is faithful with the Saints.


  1. Hosea 11:1 While the Israelites were in Egypt, and did not provoke my wrath by their malice and ingratitude.
  2. Hosea 11:2 They rebelled and went a contrary way when the Prophets called them to repentance.
  3. Hosea 11:4 That is, friendly: and not as beasts or slaves.
  4. Hosea 11:5 Seeing they contemn all this kindness, they shall be led captive into Assyria.
  5. Hosea 11:7 To wit, the Prophets.
  6. Hosea 11:8 God considereth with himself, and that with a certain grief, how to punish them.
  7. Hosea 11:8 Which were two of the cities that were destroyed with Sodom, Deut. 29:23.
  8. Hosea 11:8 Meaning, that his love wherewith he first loved them, made him between doubt and assurance what to do: and herein appeareth his Fatherly affection: that his mercy toward his shall overcome his judgments, as he declareth in the next verse.
  9. Hosea 11:9 To consume thee, but will cause thee to yield, and so receive thee to mercy: and this is meant of the final number who shall walk after the Lord.
  10. Hosea 11:11 The Egyptians, and the Assyrians shall be afraid when the Lord maintaineth his people.
  11. Hosea 11:12 Governeth their state according to God’s word, and doth not degenerate.

12 He admonisheth by Jacob’s example to trust in God, and not in riches.

Ephraim is fed [a]with the wind, and followeth after the East wind: he increaseth daily lies and destruction, and they do make a covenant with Assyria, and [b]oil is carried into Egypt.

The Lord hath also a controversy with [c]Judah, and will visit Jacob, according to his ways: according to his works, will he recompense him.

He took his brother by the heel in the womb, and by his strength he had [d]power with God,

And had [e]power over the Angel, and prevailed: he wept and prayed unto him: [f]he found him in Bethel, and there he spake with us.

Yea, the Lord God of hosts, the Lord is himself his memorial.

Therefore turn thou to thy God: keep mercy and judgment, and hope still in thy God.

He is [g]Canaan: the balances of decree are in his hand: he loveth to oppress.

And Ephraim said, Notwithstanding I am rich, I have found me out riches in all my labors: they shall find none iniquity in me, [h]that were wickedness.

Though I am the Lord thy God, from the land of Egypt, yet will I make thee to dwell in the tabernacles, as in [i]the days of the solemn feast.

10 I have also spoken by the Prophets, and I have multiplied visions, and used similitudes by the ministry of the Prophets.

11 Is there [j]iniquity in Gilead? surely they are vanity: they sacrifice bullocks in Gilgal, and their altars are as heaps in the furrows of the field.

12 [k]And Jacob fled into the country of Aram, and Israel served for a wife, and for a wife he kept sheep,

13 And by a [l]Prophet the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a Prophet was he reserved.

14 But Ephraim provoked him with high places: therefore shall his blood be poured upon him, and his reproach shall his Lord reward him.


  1. Hosea 12:1 That is, flattereth himself with vain confidence.
  2. Hosea 12:1 Meaning, presents to get friendship.
  3. Hosea 12:2 Which in those points was like to Ephraim, but not in idolatries.
  4. Hosea 12:3 Seeing that God did thus prefer Jacob their father, Judah’s ingratitude was the more to be abhorred.
  5. Hosea 12:4 Read Gen. 32:24-32.
  6. Hosea 12:4 God found Jacob as he lay sleeping in Bethel, Gen. 28:12, and so spake with him there, that the fruit of that speech appertained to the whole body of the people, whereof we are.
  7. Hosea 12:7 As for Ephraim he is more like the wicked Canaanites, than godly Abraham or Jacob.
  8. Hosea 12:8 Thus the wicked measure God’s favor by outward prosperity and like hypocrites cannot abide that any should reprove their doings.
  9. Hosea 12:9 Seeing thou wilt not acknowledge my benefits, I will bring thee again to dwell in tents, as in the feast of the Tabernacles, which thou dost now contemn.
  10. Hosea 12:11 The people thought that no man durst have spoken against Gilead, that holy place, and yet the Prophet saith, that all their religion was but vanity.
  11. Hosea 12:12 If you boast of your riches and nobility, ye seem to reproach your father, who was a poor fugitive and servant.
  12. Hosea 12:13 Meaning, Moses, whereby appeareth, that whatsoever they have, it cometh of God’s free goodness.

13 1 The abomination of Israel, 9 and cause of their destruction.

When Ephraim spake, there was [a]trembling: he [b]exalted himself in Israel, but he hath sinned in Baal, [c]and is dead.

And now they sin more and more, and have made them molten images of their silver, and idols according to their own understanding: they were all the work of the craftsmen: they say one to another while they sacrifice a [d]man, Let them kiss the calves.

Therefore they shall be as the morning cloud, and as the morning dew that passeth away, as the chaff that is driven with a whirlwind out of the floor, and as the smoke that goeth out of the chimney.

Yet I am the Lord thy God [e]from the land of Egypt, and thou shalt know no God but me: for there is no Savior beside me.

I did know thee in the wilderness, in the land of drought.

As in their pastures, so were they filled: they were filled, and their heart was exalted: therefore have they forgotten me.

And I will be unto them as a very lion, and as a leopard in the way of Assyria.

I will meet them, as a bear that is robbed of her whelps, and I will break the caul of their heart, and there will I devour them like a lion: the wild beasts shall tear them.

O Israel, one [f]hath destroyed thee, but in me is thine help.

10 [g]I am: where is thy king that should help thee in all thy cities? and thy judges, of whom thou saidest, Give me a king and princes?

11 I gave thee a king in mine anger, and I took him away in my wrath.

12 The iniquity of Ephraim is [h]bound up: his sin is hid.

13 The sorrows of a travailing woman shall come upon him: he is an unwise son, else would he not stand still at the time, even at the [i]breaking forth of the children.

14 I will redeem them from the power of the grave: I will deliver them from death: O [j]death, I will be thy death: O grave, I will be thy destruction: [k]repentance is hid from mine eyes.

15 Though he grew up among his brethren, an East wind shall come, even the wind of the Lord shall come up from the wilderness, and dry up his vein, and his fountain shall be dried up: he shall spoil the treasure of all pleasant vessels.


  1. Hosea 13:1 He showeth the excellency and authority that this tribe had above all the rest.
  2. Hosea 13:1 He made a king of his tribe.
  3. Hosea 13:1 The Ephraimites are not far from destruction, and have lost their authority.
  4. Hosea 13:2 The false prophets persuaded the idolaters to offer their children after the example of Abraham, and he showeth how they would exhort one another to the same, and to kiss and worship these calves which were their idols.
  5. Hosea 13:4 He calleth them to repentance, and reproveth their ingratitude.
  6. Hosea 13:9 Thy destruction is certain, and my benefits toward thee declare that it cometh not of me: therefore thine own malice, idolatry and vain confidence in men must needs be the cause thereof.
  7. Hosea 13:10 I am all one, James 1:17.
  8. Hosea 13:12 It is surely laid up to be punished, as Jer. 17:1.
  9. Hosea 13:13 But would come out of the womb, that is out of this dangers wherein he is and not to tarry to be stifled.
  10. Hosea 13:14 Meaning, that no power shall resist God when he will deliver his, but even in death will he give them life.
  11. Hosea 13:14 Because they will not turn to me, I will change my purpose.

14 1 The destruction of Samaria. 2 He exhorteth Israel to turn to God, who requireth praise and thanks.

Samaria shall be desolate: for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped.

O Israel, [a]return unto the Lord thy God: for thou hast fallen by thine iniquity.

Take unto you words, and turn to the Lord, and say unto him, [b]Take away all iniquity, and receive us graciously: so will we render the calves of our [c]lips.

Assyria shall [d]not save us, neither will we ride upon horses, neither will we say anymore to the work of our hands, Ye are our gods: for in thee the fatherless findeth mercy.

[e]I will heal their rebellion: I will love them freely: for mine anger is turned away from him.

I will be as the dew unto Israel: he shall grow as the lily and fasten his roots, as the trees of Lebanon.

His branches shall spread, and his beauty shall be as the olive tree, and his smell as Lebanon.

They that dwell under his [f]shadow, shall return: they shall revive as the corn, and flourish as the vine: the scent thereof shall be as the wine of Lebanon.

Ephraim shall say, What have I to do anymore with idols? I [g]have heard him, and looked upon him: I am like a green fir tree: upon me is thy fruit found.

10 Who is [h]wise, and he shall understand these things? and prudent, and he shall know them? for the ways of the Lord are righteous and the just shall walk in them: but the wicked shall fall therein.


  1. Hosea 14:2 He exhorteth them to repentance to avoid all these plagues, willing them to declare by words their obedience and repentance.
  2. Hosea 14:3 He showeth them how they ought to confess their sins.
  3. Hosea 14:3 Declaring that this is the true sacrifice, that the faithful can offer, even thanks and praise, Heb. 13:15.
  4. Hosea 14:4 We will leave off all vain confidence and pride.
  5. Hosea 14:5 He declareth how ready God is to receive them that do repent.
  6. Hosea 14:8 Whosoever join themselves to this people, shall be blessed.
  7. Hosea 14:9 God showeth how prompt he is to hear his, when they repent, and to offer himself, as a protection and safeguard unto them, as a most sufficient fruit and profit.
  8. Hosea 14:10 Signifying, that the true wisdom and knowledge consisteth in this even to rest upon God.

2 Comparing the form of the Tabernacle, 10 and the ceremonies of the Law, 11 unto the truth set out in Christ, 15 he concludeth that now there is no more need of another Priest, 24 because Christ himself had fulfilled these duties under the new covenant.

Then [a]the first Testament had also ordinances of religion, and a [b]worldly Sanctuary,

For the first Tabernacle was made, wherein was the candlestick, and the table, and the showbread, which Tabernacle is called the Holy places.

And after the [c]second veil was the Tabernacle, which is called the [d]Holiest of all,

Which had the golden censer, and the Ark of the Testament overlaid round about with gold, wherein the golden pot, which had Manna, was, and (A)Aaron’s rod that had budded, and the (B)tables of the Testament.

(C)And over the Ark were the glorious Cherubims, shadowing the [e]mercy seat: of which things we will not now speak particularly.

[f]Now when these things were thus ordained, the Priest went always into the first Tabernacle, and accomplished the service.

But into the second went the (D)high Priest alone, once every year, not without blood which he offered for himself, and for the [g]ignorances of the people.

[h]Whereby the holy Ghost this signified, that the way into the Holiest of all was not yet opened, while as yet the first tabernacle was standing,

[i]Which was a figure [j]for that present time, wherein were offered gifts and sacrifices that could not make holy, concerning the conscience, him that did the service,

10 [k]Which only stood in meats and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal rites, [l]which were enjoined, until the time of reformation.

11 [m]But Christ being come an high Priest of good things to come, [n]by a [o]greater and a more perfect Tabernacle, not made with hands, that is, not of this building,

12 [p]Neither by the blood of [q]goats and calves: but by his own blood entered he in once unto the holy place, and obtained eternal redemption for us.

13 (E)[r]For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer, sprinkling them that are unclean, sanctifieth as touching the [s]purifying of the flesh,

14 How much more shall the (F)blood of Christ which through the eternal Spirit offered himself without fault to God, (G)purge your conscience from [t]dead works, to serve the living God?

15 [u]And for this cause is he the Mediator of the new Testament, that through (H)death which was for the redemption of the transgressions that were in the former Testament, they which were called, might receive the promise of eternal inheritance.

16 [v]For where a Testament is, there must be the death of him that made the Testament.

17 (I)For the Testament is confirmed when men are dead: for it is yet of no force as long as he that made it, is alive.

18 [w]Wherefore, neither was the first ordained without blood.

19 For when Moses had spoken every precept to the people, [x]according to the Law, he took the blood of calves and of goats, with water and purple wool and hyssop, and [y]sprinkled both the book, and all the people,

20 (J)Saying, This is the blood of the Testament, which God hath appointed unto you.

21 Moreover, he sprinkled likewise the Tabernacle with blood also, and all the ministering vessels,

22 And almost all things are by the Law purged with blood, and without shedding of blood is no remission.

23 It was then necessary, that the [z]similitudes of heavenly things should be purified with such things: but the heavenly things themselves are purified with better sacrifices than are these.

24 [aa]For Christ is not entered into the holy places that are made with hands, which are similitudes of the true Sanctuary: but is entered into very heaven, to appear now in the sight of God for us,

25 [ab]Not that he should offer himself often, as the high Priest entered into the Holy place every year with others’ blood,

26 [ac](For then must he have often suffered since the foundation of the world) but now in the [ad]end of the world hath he been made manifest, once to put away [ae]sin by the sacrifice of himself.

27 And as it is appointed unto men that they shall [af]once die, and after that cometh the judgment:

28 So (K)Christ was once offered to take away the sins of [ag]many, [ah]and unto them that look for him, shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.


  1. Hebrews 9:1 A division of the first Tabernacle which he calleth worldly, that is to say, transitory and earthly into two parts, to wit, into the holy places and the Holiest of all.
  2. Hebrews 9:1 An earthy and a flitting.
  3. Hebrews 9:3 He calleth it the second veil, not because there were two veils, but because it was behind the Sanctuary or the first Tabernacle.
  4. Hebrews 9:3 The holiest Sanctuary.
  5. Hebrews 9:5 The Hebrews call the cover of the Ark of the covenant, the mercy seat, whom both the Greeks and we follow.
  6. Hebrews 9:6 Now he cometh to the sacrifices which he divideth into those daily sacrifices, and that yearly and solemn sacrifice, with the which the high Priest only, but once every year entering into the Holiest of all with blood, offered for himself and the people.
  7. Hebrews 9:7 For the sins. See Heb. 5:2.
  8. Hebrews 9:8 Of that yearly rite and ceremony he gathereth that the way was not by such sacrifices opened into heaven, which was shadowed by the Holiest of all. For why did the high Priest alone enter in thither, shutting out all other, and that to offer sacrifices there both for himself and for others, and after did shut the Holiest of all again?
  9. Hebrews 9:9 An objection: If the way were not opened into heaven by those sacrifices (that is to say, If the worshippers were not purged by them) why then were those ceremonies used? to wit, that men might be called back to that spiritual example, that is to say, to Christ, who should correct all those things at his coming.
  10. Hebrews 9:9 For that time that that figure had to last.
  11. Hebrews 9:10 Another reason why they could not make clean the conscience of the worshipper, to wit, because they were outward and carnal or corporal things.
  12. Hebrews 9:10 For they were as you would say a burden, from which Christ delivered us.
  13. Hebrews 9:11 Now he entereth into the declaration of the figures, and first of all comparing the Levitical high Priest with Christ, (that is to say, the figure with the thing itself) he attributeth to Christ the administration of good things to come, that is, everlasting, which those carnal things had respect unto.
  14. Hebrews 9:11 Another comparison of the first corruptible Tabernacle with the latter (that is to say, with the human nature of Christ) which is the true incorruptible Temple of God, whereinto which the Son of GOD entered, as the Levitical high Priests into the other which was frail and transitory.
  15. Hebrews 9:11 By a more excellent and better.
  16. Hebrews 9:12 Another comparison of the blood of sacrifices with Christ. The Levitical high Priests entering by their holy places into the Sanctuary, offered corruptible blood for one year only: but Christ entering into that holy body of his, entered by it into heaven itself, offering his own most pure blood for an everlasting redemption: For one selfsame Christ answereth both to the high Priest, and the Tabernacle, and the sacrifices, and offering themselves, as the truth to the figures, so that Christ is both the high Priest, and Tabernacle, and Sacrifice, yea, all these both truly, and forever.
  17. Hebrews 9:12 For in this yearly sacrifice of reconciliation, there were two kinds of sacrifices, the one a goat, the other a heifer, or calf.
  18. Hebrews 9:13 If the outward sprinkling of blood and ashes of beasts, was a true and effectual sign of purifying and cleansing, how much more shall the thing itself and the truth being present, which in times past was shadowed by those external Sacraments, that is to say, his blood which is in such sort man’s blood, that is also the blood of the Son of God, and therefore hath an everlasting virtue of purifying and cleansing, does it?
  19. Hebrews 9:13 He considereth the signs apart, being separate from the thing itself.
  20. Hebrews 9:14 From sins which proceed from death, and bring forth nothing but death.
  21. Hebrews 9:15 The conclusion of the former argument: therefore seeing the blood of beasts did not purge sins, the new Testament which was before time promised, whereunto those outward things had respect, is now indeed established, by the virtue whereof all transgressions might be taken away, and heaven indeed opened unto us: whereof it followeth that Christ shed his blood also for the Fathers: For he was shadowed by those old ceremonies, otherwise, unless they had served to represent him, they had been nothing at all profitable. Therefore this Testament is called the latter, not concerning the virtue of it, (that is to say, remission of sins) but in respect of that time, wherein the thing itself was finished, that is to say, wherein Christ was indeed exhibited to the world, and fulfilled all things which were necessary to our salvation.
  22. Hebrews 9:16 A reason why the Testament must be established by the death of the Mediator, because this Testament hath the condition of a Testament or gift, which is made effectual by death, and therefore that it might be effectual, it must needs be that he that made the Testament, should die.
  23. Hebrews 9:18 There must be a proportion between those things which purify, and those which are purified: Under the Law all those figures were earthly, the Tabernacle, the book, the vessels, the sacrifices, although they were the figures of heavenly things. Therefore it was requisite that all those should be purified with some matter and ceremony of the same nature, to wit, with the blood of beasts, with water, wool, hyssop. But under Christ all things are heavenly, an heavenly tabernacle, an heavenly sacrifice, an heavenly people, an heavenly doctrine, and heaven itself is set open before us for an eternal habitation. Therefore all these things are sanctified in like sort, to wit, with the everlasting offering of the quickening blood of Christ.
  24. Hebrews 9:19 As the Lord had commanded.
  25. Hebrews 9:19 He useth to sprinkle.
  26. Hebrews 9:23 The similitudes of heavenly things were earthly, and therefore they were to be set forth with earthly things, as with the blood of beasts, and wool, and hyssop. But under Christ all things are heavenly, and therefore they could not but be sanctified with the offering of his lively blood.
  27. Hebrews 9:24 Another double comparison: the Levitical high Priest entered into the Sanctuary, which was made indeed by the commandment of God, but yet with men’s hands, that it might be a pattern of another more excellent, to wit, of the heavenly place. But Christ entered even into heaven itself. Again, he appeared before the Ark, but Christ before God the Father himself.
  28. Hebrews 9:25 Another double comparison: the Levitical high Priest offered other blood, but Christ offered his own: he every year once iterated his offering: Christ offering himself but once, abolished sin altogether, both of the former ages and of the ages to come.
  29. Hebrews 9:26 An argument to prove that Christ’s offering ought not to be repeated: Seeing that sins were to be purged from the beginning of the world, and it is proved that sins cannot be purged, but by the only blood of Christ: he must needs have died oftentimes since the beginning of the world. But a man can die but once: therefore Christ’s oblation which was once done in the latter days, neither could nor can be repeated. Seeing then it is so, surely the virtue of it extendeth both to sins that were before, and to sins that are after his coming.
  30. Hebrews 9:26 In the latter days.
  31. Hebrews 9:26 That whole root of sin.
  32. Hebrews 9:27 He speaketh of the natural state and condition of man: For as for Lazarus and certain others that died twice, that was no usual thing but extraordinary, and for them that shall be changed, their changing is a kind of death, 1 Cor. 15:51.
  33. Hebrews 9:28 Thus the general promise is restrained to the elect only: and we have to seek the testimony of our election: not in the secret counsel of God, but in the effects that our faith worketh, and so we must climb up from the lowest step to the highest, there to find such comfort as is most certain, and shall never be moved.
  34. Hebrews 9:28 Shortly by the way he setteth out Christ as Judge, partly to terrify them, which do not rest themselves in the only oblation of Christ once made, and partly to keep the faithful in their duty, that they will go not back.

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