Hebrews 1:1-2:4
Christian Standard Bible
The Nature of the Son
1 Long ago God spoke(A) to our ancestors by the prophets(B) at different times and in different ways.(C) 2 In these last days,(D) he has spoken to us by his Son. God has appointed him heir of all things(E) and made the universe[a](F) through him. 3 The Son is the radiance[b] of God’s glory and the exact expression[c] of his nature,(G) sustaining all things by his powerful word.(H) After making purification for sins,[d] he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.[e](I) 4 So he became superior to the angels, just as the name he inherited is more excellent than theirs.(J)
The Son Superior to Angels
5 For to which of the angels did he ever say,
or again,
6 Again, when he[i] brings his firstborn into the world,(L) he says,
7 And about the angels he says:
8 but to[n] the Son:
Your throne, God,
is forever and ever,
and the scepter of your kingdom
is a scepter of justice.(O)
9 You have loved righteousness
and hated lawlessness;
this is why God, your God,
has anointed you
with the oil of joy(P)
beyond your companions.[o][p]
10 And:
In the beginning, Lord,
you established the earth,
and the heavens are the works of your hands;(Q)
11 they will perish, but you remain.
They will all wear out like clothing;(R)
12 you will roll them up like a cloak,[q]
and they will be changed like clothing.
But you are the same,
and your years will never end.[r](S)
13 Now to which of the angels has he ever said:
14 Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve those who are going to inherit salvation?(U)
Warning against Neglect
2 For this reason, we must pay attention all the more to what we have heard, so that we will not drift away.(V) 2 For if the message spoken through angels was legally binding[t](W) and every transgression and disobedience received a just punishment,(X) 3 how will we escape if we neglect such a great salvation?(Y) This salvation had its beginning when it was spoken of by the Lord, and it was confirmed to us by those who heard him.(Z) 4 At the same time, God also testified by signs and wonders, various miracles, and distributions of gifts from the Holy Spirit according to his will.(AA)
- 1:2 Lit ages
- 1:3 Or reflection
- 1:3 Or representation, or copy, or reproduction
- 1:3 Other mss read for our sins by himself
- 1:3 Or he sat down on high at the right hand of the Majesty
- 1:5 Or have begotten you
- 1:5 Ps 2:7
- 1:5 2Sm 7:14; 1Ch 17:13
- 1:6 Or When he again
- 1:6 Dt 32:43 LXX; Ps 97:7
- 1:7 Or spirits
- 1:7 Or ministers
- 1:7 Ps 104:4
- 1:8 Or about
- 1:9 Or associates
- 1:8–9 Ps 45:6–7
- 1:12 Other mss omit like a cloak
- 1:10–12 Ps 102:25–27
- 1:13 Ps 110:1
- 2:2 Or valid, or reliable
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