This is what the Lord Almighty(A) says: “These people(B) say, ‘The time has not yet come to rebuild the Lord’s house.(C)’”

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23 As soon as the copy of the letter of King Artaxerxes was read to Rehum and Shimshai the secretary and their associates,(A) they went immediately to the Jews in Jerusalem and compelled them by force to stop.

24 Thus the work on the house of God in Jerusalem came to a standstill until the second year of the reign of Darius(B) king of Persia.

Tattenai’s Letter to Darius

Now Haggai(C) the prophet and Zechariah(D) the prophet, a descendant of Iddo, prophesied(E) to the Jews in Judah and Jerusalem in the name of the God of Israel, who was over them. Then Zerubbabel(F) son of Shealtiel and Joshua(G) son of Jozadak set to work(H) to rebuild the house of God in Jerusalem. And the prophets of God were with them, supporting them.

10 Meanwhile, the people in Judah said, “The strength of the laborers(A) is giving out, and there is so much rubble that we cannot rebuild the wall.”

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Whoever watches the wind will not plant;
    whoever looks at the clouds will not reap.

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10 Whatever(A) your hand finds to do, do it with all your might,(B) for in the realm of the dead,(C) where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.(D)

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31 But the men who had gone up with him said, “We can’t attack those people; they are stronger than we are.”(A)

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25 Fear(A) of man will prove to be a snare,
    but whoever trusts in the Lord(B) is kept safe.(C)

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13 A sluggard says,(A) “There’s a lion in the road,
    a fierce lion roaming the streets!”(B)
14 As a door turns on its hinges,
    so a sluggard turns on his bed.(C)
15 A sluggard buries his hand in the dish;
    he is too lazy to bring it back to his mouth.(D)
16 A sluggard is wiser in his own eyes
    than seven people who answer discreetly.

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13 The sluggard says, “There’s a lion outside!(A)
    I’ll be killed in the public square!”

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