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Lord, as I listen to what has been said about you,
    I am afraid.
Lord, revive your work throughout all of our lives—
    reveal yourself[a] throughout all of our lives—
when you[b] are angry,
    remember compassion.

God comes from Teman[c]
    the Holy One from Mount Paran.[d]
His glory spreads throughout the heavens,
    and praises about him fill the earth.
His radiance is like sunlight;
    beams of light shine[e] from his hand,
        where his strength lays hidden.

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  1. Habakkuk 3:2 The Heb. lacks yourself
  2. Habakkuk 3:2 The Heb. lacks you
  3. Habakkuk 3:3 I.e. an Edomite desert town
  4. Habakkuk 3:3 I.e. in the Sinai desert
  5. Habakkuk 3:4 The Heb. lacks shine